Registration on

Making Registration on is very simple. The registration page is shown below.

Registration Page

Online Registration Page

  1. Valid E-mail : Here you have to type your valid email id.
  2. Confirm E-mail : in this box you have to re-type your email id.
  3. Your Name : In this Text Box you have to Type your Name.
  4. Company Name: Your Company Name
  5. Designation : Your Designation
  6. Company Address : Your comapny Address.
  7. Country : You have to select the country name from drop down menu.
  8. State : This will be activated when the selected country is India and from the drop down menu you can select the State Name.
  9. Mobile No. : You have to enter your mobile no.
  10. Phone No. : You have to enter your landline no.
  11. Skype ID : You have to enter your Skype ID.
  12. Official Website : Your Company's website
  13. How did you find us : Select from dropdown menu how did you find us.
  14. Product/Services Name : Please enter the name of Product or service in which you deal seperated by comma.
  15. Terms & Conditions : Click checkbox that you have read and understand term and condition before registration on
  16. Submit Button : Please click on submit button to complete your registration with us. On Submit you will be redirected to the page which is shown below.

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