Advance Search
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Exact Search
Exact Search : Try to use exact search when you want tenders related to the exact keyword that you type in the Exact Search Box. Let us have a look at search result for Exact Search. Search for SUBSTATION will list tenders that maches the SUBSTATION in the detail column.
All These Words  
All These Words Search : Try to use All These Words Search when you want tenders related to all the words that you type in All These Words Search Box. Let us have a look at search result for All These Words Search. Search for WATER TREATMENT PLANT will list tenders that contains WATER and TREATMENT and PLANT in the detail column.
Any Two Words   Any Two Words Search : Try to use Any Two Words Search when you want tenders related to any two words that you type in Any Two Word Search Box. Let us have a look at search result for Any Two Word Search. Search for WATER TREATMENT PLANT will list tenders that contains WATER TREATMENT or WATER PLANT or TREATMENT PLANT in the detail column.
Any One Word  Any One Word Search : Try to use Any One Word Search when you want tenders related to any one words that you type in Any One Word Seach Box. Let us have a look at search result for Any One Word Search. Search for WATER TREATMENT PLANT will list tenders that matches any one word in the detail column, It will Reflect tenders related to WATER or TREATMENT or PLANT.
Containing   Containing Word Search : Try to use Containing word when you want tenders related to combination of word from first Search Box with Any word of the second search box. Let us have a look at search result for Containing Word Search. Search for FIRE FIGHT, ALARM, EXTINGUISHER, SYSTEM will list tenders that matches like FIRE FIGHT or FIRE ALARM or FIRE EXTINGUISHER or FIRE SYSTEM.
    (Enter one word only)
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