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  • Rural Development and Irrigation

Records Found :  62    
Ref No Posting Date Deadline State Value Short Description
2253417240715 15-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024 Ladakh INR 1500000 supply , installation, testing and commissioning of 25 kva sub- station along with 11 kv line for lift irrigation scheme at ayeed hagnis.
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2233817240715 15-Jul-2024 18-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 20524000 construction of lift irrigation scheme from daksosa to udmaru thang by way of service reservior and rising main(under capex)
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7330816240712 12-Jul-2024 19-Jul-2024 ladakh/ Leh INR 3334325 shifting and irrigation khul coming along the alignment of upgradation and maintenance of road from t03 to
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973517240712 12-Jul-2024 20-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 1523000 construction of irrigation canal
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972717240712 12-Jul-2024 15-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 8789000 construction drip irrigation (solar water lifting pump
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4213416240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 7207000 strengthening of irrigation canal upper domkhar wal
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4213316240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 9193000 upgradation of irrigation khul genlok waris nobra
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4111616240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 6356000 construction/upgradation of irrigation khul gongturna
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4111416240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 4238000 construction of irrigation canal at urgo (by way of pcc channel, pitching and lining at various weak portion of canal
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4111216240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 11575000 construction of irrigation khul
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4111116240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 3929000 construction of irrigation canal
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4110816240708 08-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 6429000 construction of irrigation canel chesgon to command area
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1059816240314 14-Mar-2024 23-Mar-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 13340000 improvement and upgradation of irrigation khul at phyang village
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1060416240314 14-Mar-2024 23-Mar-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 2408000 upgradation of head work and irrigation canal
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1221316240311 11-Mar-2024 25-Mar-2024 Ladakh INR 2500000 improvement/spot treatment of irrigation khul hardass by way of cement concrete channel from rd(5086 to 5456)mtr under the project of improvement spot treatment of 07 nos irrigation scheme (drass /kargil block ) ie kharbu gani doro dongchik chowkiy
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1221416240311 11-Mar-2024 25-Mar-2024 Ladakh INR 2580000 improvement/spot treatment of irrigation khul hardass by way of cement concrete channel from rd(5456 to 5846)mtr under the project of improvement spot treatment of 07 nos irrigation scheme (drass karil block ) ie kharbu gani doro dongchik chowkiyal
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1221616240311 11-Mar-2024 25-Mar-2024 Ladakh INR 2600000 remodelling construction of rgyal to chamba khul wakha in km 1st 2nd and 3rd at spots under the project of improvement remodelling of irrigation khul fokar foo rgyal to chamba chuhron chatithang gongyur and yokyur khul wakha dongjuk to tiagam under
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1264052240506 06-May-2024 16-May-2024 LADAKH INR 5335000 construction of pump/sump/feeding channel and crate protection bund for lift irrigation
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1411716240105 05-Jan-2024 12-Jan-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 2000000 repair and maintenance works at varius spots of leh sub division gangles to skara, spituk, r s choglamsar, agling and abi canal
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1445617240221 21-Feb-2024 06-Mar-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 4184000 construction of rcc intake canal
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1445717240221 21-Feb-2024 13-Mar-2024 Ladakh INR 13400000 construction of irrigation canal haftal zanskar from rd (1580 - 2880) mtr by way of trapezoidal channel section with m10 grouting, pcc linning including testing and commissioning complete
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1445817240221 21-Feb-2024 13-Mar-2024 Ladakh INR 19400000 construction of irrigation canal haftal zanskar from head work rd (0 - 1580) mtr by way of platform cutting, trench cutting, construction of supply channel, diversion channel, installation of ms steel regulatory gate, crate protection bund at head
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1445917240221 21-Feb-2024 15-Mar-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 1658000 construction of distributary channel of garba chumik irrigation khul
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1446017240221 21-Feb-2024 15-Mar-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 1793000 construction/remodeling of distribution khul
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1487116240624 24-Jun-2024 04-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 8789000 construction drip irrigation (solar water lifting pump
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1989816240617 17-Jun-2024 25-Jun-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 3963000 construction of weir and protection wall at headwork of irrigation canal kurbathang (under the project improvement/re-modeling of kurbathang main irrigation canal
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2014116240617 17-Jun-2024 25-Jun-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 453000 construction of sump and feeding channel for solar pump lift irrigation scheme owl akchamal. drought manangement plan
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2045416231228 28-Dec-2023 04-Jan-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 2495000 construction of irrigation khul ,tiling etc
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2133316240621 21-Jun-2024 01-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 520700 construction of water storage reservoir including feeding channel for lift irrigation scheme
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2152052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 1055000 repair of damage portion of irrigation canal
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2159052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 4788000 construction of irrigation canal
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2160052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 5651000 upgradation of irrigation irrigation khul thangnak terchay
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2161052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 896000 construction of irrigation canal
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2165052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 3051000 construction of irrigation cana
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2166052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 4030000 restoration/upgradation of irrigation khul farol turtuk
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2170052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 1523000 construction of irrigation canal
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2171052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 3886000 strengthening of irrigation canal
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2173052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 706000 improvement/strengthening head work and kuhlof liktsey irrigation khul
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2174052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 1723000 upgradation of head work and irrigation canal
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2175052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 6622000 upgradation of irrigation kuhl
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2179052240529 29-May-2024 04-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 4620000 improvement of head work and irrigation khul of matho gonpa
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2237016240621 21-Jun-2024 01-Jul-2024 Ladakh/ KARGIL INR 119700 left over works of feeding channel and sump house of lift irrigation scheme hundarman mall
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2391052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 7443000 construction of irrigation khul
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2421052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 2557000 remodeling of irrigation khul yogyur doks chowkiyal drass by way of cement concrete channel
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2423052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 2141000 construction of chomortan irrigation khul/water way rd(1208-1297)mtr
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2424052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 1558000 construction of pump house for lift irrigation scheme munthang chanigund
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2425052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 2919000 construction of water reservoir tank for lift irrigation scheme
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2426052240614 14-Jun-2024 22-Jun-2024 LADAKH INR 3679000 construction of supply channel and sump house for lift irrigation scheme
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2509416240205 05-Feb-2024 21-Feb-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 2495000 construction of irrigation khul ,tiling etc
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3084616240321 21-Mar-2024 11-Apr-2024 Ladakh/ Leh INR 1050000 improvement and strengthening of canal by way of construction of protection work at u s side and lining of cover conduit for training of nallahs at various location d1 30 for the repair of wing wall and lining of main canal
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