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  • Environment monitoring ,climate change air qualty monitoring Tenders

Records Found :  20    
Ref No Posting Date Deadline State Value Short Description
2024052240629 29-Jun-2024 20-Aug-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transshipment activity at port meadow
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501216240629 29-Jun-2024 20-Aug-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transhipment activity
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1119052240131 31-Jan-2024 07-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transshipment activity
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1131016240305 05-Mar-2024 19-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Refer Document. whole wheat flour (atta) for extreme cold climate and high altitude areas (defence)
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1173117240308 08-Mar-2024 16-Apr-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance
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1295216240101 01-Jan-2024 15-Jan-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Refer Document. proving of concept for creating artificial environment suitable for
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1562052240520 20-May-2024 28-Jun-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services
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1578052240420 20-Apr-2024 16-May-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transhipment activity
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1795052231228 28-Dec-2023 30-Jan-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance
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2020052240208 08-Feb-2024 15-Feb-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 12558154 mechanized environmental support services (mess) (up-keeping) at old terminal building/administrative building,
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2146052240516 16-May-2024 28-Jun-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services
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2541052240417 17-Apr-2024 16-May-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transshipment activity
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2605016231228 28-Dec-2023 30-Jan-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance
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2776052240309 09-Mar-2024 16-Apr-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transshipment activity
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3480052240516 16-May-2024 18-May-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Refer Document. custom bid for services - obtaining environment clearance for capacity expansion in terms of produc
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438417240308 08-Mar-2024 14-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 708000 construction of check weir, pump house
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438517240308 08-Mar-2024 14-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 590000 construction of check weir, pump house
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7943816240131 31-Jan-2024 07-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR INR 2500000 consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from ministry of environment and crz clearance from andaman and nicobar coastal zone management authority for the proposed ship to ship transhipment activity at port meadow
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863916240315 15-Mar-2024 23-Mar-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Refer Document. extension of vermicompost apparatus and setting up of environment bay
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927716240423 23-Apr-2024 13-May-2024 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Refer Document. industrial grade data analyzer display for environment quality sensor
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