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Records Found :  72  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
304051150824 24-Aug-2015 Uzbekistan 0 integrated single window office for social assistance and employment services
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339051150717 17-Jul-2015 Uzbekistan 0 demonstration and introduction of conservation agriculture in condition of salted soils of fergana
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281051150630 30-Jun-2015 Uzbekistan 0 additional financing for bukhara and samarkand sewerage project
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296051150630 30-Jun-2015 Uzbekistan 0 regional roads development project
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408051150624 24-Jun-2015 Uzbekistan 0 chiroqchi arid agriculture
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390051150612 12-Jun-2015 Uzbekistan 0 adapting lands in surkhandarya water shortage
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306051150522 22-May-2015 Uzbekistan 0 supporting uzbekistan in transition to a low-emission development path
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298051150522 22-May-2015 Uzbekistan 0 budget system reform in uzbekistan
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302051150522 22-May-2015 Uzbekistan 0 supporting modernization, accelerated reform and transformation (smart)
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2270118140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The GEF SGP is doing big work in distributing practice of pistachio planting across all Uzbekistan.
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2270218140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 This project will address the problems associated with indicators on assessment of the state of veg
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2270318140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The main objective of the project is the establishment at the premises of the Institute of Microbio
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2270418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project aimed on dissemination of knowledge on innovation technologies and practices among farm
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2270518140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The aim of the project is assistance in the creation of the Center for dissemination of the technol
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2270618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 508 The main project aims to reduce negative human impacts on biodiversity of western spurs of the Giss
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2270718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 700 The planning project aims to develop a solution for rehabilitation of the Shargun city vegetation t
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2270818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 750 To develop an application for a project that aims to demonstrate how conventional boiler stations s
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2270918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 795 The project aims to develop and formulate project proposal and application to the GEF SGP. The full
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2271018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 8700 The project aims to assist poor population of the apartment blocks to renovate their heating system
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2042418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 Energy is commonly regarded as a key driver of development. Absence of stable and reliable sources
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2265618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1000 This planning project prepares the ground for a full-fledged project on renovation of a rural clini
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2265718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1000 The project aims to prepare project proposal for submission to the GEF SGP. The project idea stems
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2265818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1000 The planning grant aims at developing a project on improving sustainability and protection of the e
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2265918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1000 The aim of the full-fledged project will be to introduce small-scale alternative and energy effecti
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2266018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1000 The planning project will prepare project documentation and respective calculations for installatio
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2266118140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 1020 The project is aimed on demonstration and training of farmers on using alternative energy sources (
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2266218140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 10333.20 Based on previous successful project on lazer planning in Khorezm region, which is widely used in w
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2266318140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 11086.40 The project focuses on establishment and equipping a center in Nazarkhan village, which will be pro
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2266418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 12760.19 The idea of the project is to train farmers to use alternative energy sources (sun and biogas) for
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2266518140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 14686.10 The project will exemplify for local population and local forest authorities how to engage local po
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2266618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 2915 The project used the opportunity of the global 10.10.10 action organized by the organizatio
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2266718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 20220 The project plans to test a small-scale biogas installation with a peculiar feature of keeping the
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2266818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 21296 The project builds on the preparatory work accomplished within planning project # UZB/SGP/OP4/Y2/RA
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2266918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 22004 The project demonstrates use of biogas technology in Kashkadarya province of Uzbekistan. This is an
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2267018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 23000 The project has a strategic importance for agricultural sector of Uzbekistan and soils improvements
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2267118140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 23191 The aim of this project is producing and testing of fuel briquettes with low-power industrial insta
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2267218140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 24030 The project aims to improve understanding of the general public about the environmental issues, spe
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2267318140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 24971 The project has a tremendous potential for Uzbekistan. Most of our irrigation is made from channels
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2267418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 25473 The aim of the project (which is a result of the planning project) is to introduce small-scale alte
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2267518140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 27745 The project will introduce new crop for farmers of Uzbekistan (not invasive) that has the capacity
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2267618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 28000 The project will introduce alternative source of energy for local communities by introducing microh
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2267718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 30000 The project aims at tackling main reasons for clear-cutting of woodlands - cutting trees for fuel-w
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2267818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 32325 The project aims to partially restore degraded bee keeping practice in mountainous area nearby Tash
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2267918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 34357 Project is aimed to introduce methods of conservation farming. It requires use of zero tillage and
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2268018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 34533 The project is logical continuation of previously started by the GEF SGP initiative on reforestatio
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2268118140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 340 The project is supported to develop a project proposal on rehabilitation, protection and further ex
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2268218140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 36125 The project has two-folded purpose: 1. The project aims at development of environmental education o
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2268318140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 37110 The project is implemented in Fergana valley, Uzbekistan district, Oqmachit village. Lack of electr
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2268418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 37168 The project aimed at transferring knowledge and skills to local people on minimizing threats to a d
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2268518140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 38500 Based on rich experience of previous projects on biogas technologies GEF SGP is aimed to demonstrat
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2268618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 40425 The project plans to purchase 12 sets of laser planners for the regions of Karakalpakstan: 2 set in
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2268718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 41540 The project targets to introduce and spread as much as possible the technology of conservation agri
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2268818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 44760 Project on energy efficient solar greenhouses is presenting an example for farmers and dehkans in U
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2268918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 46722 Most of the people in arid territories of Uzbekistan are engaged in livestock breeding. Absence of
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2269018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 46839.25 Project will create electronic database of plants in Uzbekistan helping in decision making processe
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2269118140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 49000 The project aims to improve protection of the Kyzylkum desert ecosystem by enlarging the territory
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2269218140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 49016.10 This project is aimed to contribute enhancements to eco education for students of higher institutio
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2269318140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 49830 The project will establish 2 nurseries of tree species suitable to be planted in the conditions of
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2269418140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 49833 The project is initiated by an NGO created by ZEF-Bonn/UNESCO project devoted to research about sus
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2269518140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 49961 The project aims to construct physical barriers to destruction of unique riverine forest along Zera
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2269618140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project will create the basis and disseminate information and learning materials on a very cost
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2269718140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project has a very big importance for the country both in terms of energy availability, energy
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2269818140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project objective is testing the institutional mechanism for obtaining energy from hydro power
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2269918140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project aims to create a production line for the drip irrigation systems production in Namangan
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2270018140515 15-May-2014 Uzbekistan US$ 50000 The project demonstrates how to effectively organize intensive fishing business in mountainous area
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2002518131207 07-Dec-2013 Uzbekistan Not Specified DCI Supply contract to the projectInclusive education for children with special needs in Uzbekistan
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2001118130515 15-May-2013 Uzbekistan Not Specified DCI Improvement of the mother and child health services
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2000618130503 03-May-2013 Uzbekistan Not Specified DCI Supply of equipment support the further strengthening of the bicameral parliamentary system and
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10703130308 08-Mar-2013 Uzbekistan 0 delivery of the software module automated adaptation of simulation models
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217516130307 07-Mar-2013 Uzbekistan 0 DCI Technical assistance to the projectInclusive education for children with special needs
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26203110826 27-Aug-2011 Uzbekistan Not Specified Enhancing the construction of thermal power plants.
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25503110826 26-Aug-2011 Uzbekistan Not Specified Modernization of the plant with replacement Charvak runner.
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