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Records Found :  347  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
300051150630 30-Jun-2015 Sri Lanka 0 early childhood development project
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352051150630 30-Jun-2015 Sri Lanka 0 lk water supply and sanitation improvement project
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2002918140922 22-Sep-2014 Sri Lanka Not Specified The ADB assistance is a direct loan of up to $7.5 million to Commercial Leasing Company Ltd. (CLC).
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2005318140916 17-Sep-2014 Sri Lanka $ 846785 The objective of the project is to work with National Development Bank PLC and Seylan Bank PLC to i
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2009318140916 17-Sep-2014 Sri Lanka US $ 7500000 Cargills Foods Company (Private) Limited ( CFPL / Company ) plans to raise upto US$20 million from
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2009218140916 17-Sep-2014 Sri Lanka Not Specified The proposed Project is an equity investment by IFC in Cargills Retail, to support the expansion of
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2013718140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 48781 Establishment of the fire belt, rehabilitating degraded patches, uplift economic conditions of sele
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2019118140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 9390 This project is an extension of the Community Development Centre`s work in establishing a model hom
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2019218140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 26000 Introducing soil conservation practices and supply of water for irrigation in order to improve the
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2002318140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 2000 Baseline survey in the proposed community based water management and regenerative agriculture proje
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2017718140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 44419 Climate change adaptation to minimize sea level rise in Toduwawa and Nattandiya lagoon with activit
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2022918140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 4000 Rationale, objectives The project area is a natural breeding ground for freshwater hydrophytes and
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2023218140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka Not Specified Biodiversity conservation and its continues enrichment through community based initiatives, capacit
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2007318140614 14-Jun-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 50000 Rehabilitating tank system, watershed development, improvement of home gardens and capacity buildin
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2037718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 19299 Training NGO, professionals, high-school students in bio-diversity techniques, producing mobile exc
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2037818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 26500 Controlling the Alien Invasive Species around in Mathale District for the activities Identification
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2037918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 7290 Address land degradation issues in villages adjoining historic Nilgala herbal forest , conduct init
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2038018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 12083 Establishing community groups, awareness raising, participatory demarcation of reserve, plant nurse
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2038118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 18191 Rationale: Destructive methods of fishing as a means of sustenance lead to destruction of the habit
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2038218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 21487.25 Rationale:water in many of the wells in the Kalpitiya Peninsula was unfit for drinking and that the
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2038318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 6926.57 Rehabilitation of degraded land and arrest erosion of slopes most vulnerable to land slides through
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2082918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 43616 This project promotes an environmentally sustainable transport system by producing the first electr
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2083018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 11907 Awareness raising of communities, relavant officials and school children of the area; establishing
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2083118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 8635 Awareness raising of communitites on high degradation afffects on forsts, land and riverbanks due t
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2083218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 4750 Rationale Streams and other water bodies in the area have dried up due to deforestation. River bank
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2083318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 37198 Reconstruction of Rathtri wewa and feeder canal of Rathri wewa to store rainwater, soil conservatio
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2083418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 24368 Rationale All species of turtles considered endangered use the beaches along the Bundala National P
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2091118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 21465 Sandaraja Wana Arana- forest conservation and social development project. Conservation of the fores
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2091218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 7436 Print a bi-annual journal in the two languages sinhala and tamil i.e. 8 journals in two years on th
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2091318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 27500 Awareness raising on POPs in the Nuwara Eliya Municipal area for the activitites, awareness creatio
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2048218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 32657 the tsunami disaster in 2004 devastated the natural environment in the project area including the s
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2061518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 18633.54 Propagation of tuber varieties to 100 farmers, conduct baseline survey, awareness raising, three mo
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2061618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 9057.97 Awareness raising of communities and villages who grow cardomons on mountain slopes, establishing C
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2061718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 39546 Manufacturing and installation of 18 wind turbine units, establishment of a sustainable funding mec
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2061818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 5654.54 Printing and distribution of promotional material on butterflies such as a Year calendar and other
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2065318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 18516 Networking for the environment by developing database of GEF/SGP partner organizations; facilitate
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2068018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 35500 Sharing information about GEF/SGP activities for better knowledge and successful project implementa
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2068118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 28238.28 Bio diversity conservation in three villages around the Knuckles Nature Reserve for the activities
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2068218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 14400 Networking, creating public awarness, complete and publish success stories, produce photo stories a
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2068318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 26000 To Preserve indigenous leafy vegetables for the activities Establishment of Network for conserving
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2068418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 49849 Introducing nationally and interantionally marketable technologies to provide higher value for labo
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2068518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 17346 Renovation of the Beralihela tank with construction of the spill, sluice gate and bund. Establish a
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2068618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 33808.55 District national and international level sharing of information, establishing raw material supply
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2068718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 38158 This project will extend Sri Lanka Nature Forum`s (SLNF) work in collaborating with stakeholders to
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2068818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 31781 Knowledge management, networking and capacity building through support to the monitoring and evalua
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2068918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 10875 proposed project is to restore rehabilitation of corals reeves and coastal ecosystems in eastern an
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2069018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 21000 Rehabilitation of Welikadagama Micro Watershed for the activities of - community awareness programm
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2071718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 19608 Initiating a formal education programme for it`s members as well as school children on the followin
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2071818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 20860 Introducing paddy husk as an alternate fuel instead of firewood for the activity of converting fire
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2071918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 42780 Government has started the resettlement process of internally displaced people. As a result, 350 fa
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2072018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 18130 Rationale:The traditional lifestyle of the local community has been altered by various colonial rul
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2072118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 46598 Restore and rehabilitation of coral reefs ecosystem in Passekudah bay
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2072218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 29840 Printing of booklets, leaflets magazines and posters on the bio diversity and eco systems of Sri La
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2072318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 15076 Improper planting of Mangroves and increased Kawati population have adverse effects on the ecologic
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2072418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 23000 Boralugoda, south east of Kalutara district has identified as one of the highest freshwater fish di
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2075518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 21147 Promote bio diversity conservation in paddy farming and other agricultural practices, re-orient far
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2075618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 22000 Minimizing land degradation in Maduhel mountain range in Kumbukkana,Monaragala for the activities -
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2078218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 30000 Pandithayakumbura is about 4 km away from the main power lines grid. All villages are vegetable cul
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2078318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 3368 Bio-gas plant in school premises using organic waste from school and the town`s weekly fair and veg
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2078418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 51618 Biodiversity conservation and developement through nature farming to implement through the activiti
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2078518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 13979 Minimizing soil degradation in Welegammadda Mountain Range for the activities using stone hedges, l
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2078618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 8059 The forest patch home to the streams that provide water to the surrounding five villages is situate
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2078718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 1028 The forest patch home to the streams that provide water to the surrounding five villages is situate
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2078818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 26631 Newly invented Turnbonozzle , the exhaust PM Collector collects substantial amount of PM from engin
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2078918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 34889 The main objectives of the project is habitat conservation (development of a green belt), and to im
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2079018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 45785.97 Conduct survey and prepare discussion paper on the above, nursery and distrubution of plants among
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2079118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 2715 Rationale Deforestation and sand mining has caused severe environmental degradation in the Matara d
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2079218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 10192 This grant is to top up Arunalu Community Development Centre`s project in conserving the riverbank
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2082818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 9452.58 Establishment and strengthening of farmer organizations, resource survey of selected homesteads, se
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2063118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 19097.40 Rationale: The under ground water in the area is hard with high concentration of fluoride. these fl
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2063218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 2667.24 Conduct an exhibition and fair on World Environment Day including cultural activities, a dialogue,
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2090218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 42886 Rehabilitation of two selected watersheds through land use planning,practice of sustainable land ma
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2090318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 5613 Rationale Excessive use of agro chemicals is one reason which has led to degradation of land in thi
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2090418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 8899.96 Publication of a Newletter for "GEF/SGP" of Sri Lanka" in Sinhala, Tamil & English Languages. The N
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2090518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 12534 Mobilization and formation of community groups around the reserve, identification and rehabilitatio
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2090618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 10999.42 Rationale: The targeted area faces threats to its biodiversity due to chena cultivation and the pra
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2090718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 23200 Moratuwa Municipal Council is located in between the coastal belt and the Moratuwa River. There are
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2090818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 5909 Rationale Deforestation due to massive developmental projects around the area. Excessive use of che
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2090918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 50000 Stakeholder awareness workshops, establishing a mobile oil collection unit and resource centre, dis
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2091018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 9511.36 Protection of river bank in 8 spots, planting trees on the river banks, community training and awar
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2080418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 30260 This project will reduce land degradation and conserve biodiversity in Boralugoda (Maguru River). M
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2080518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 11538.46 Awareness raising and establishment of community organization, developing of 25 home gardens, train
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2080618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 16195 Plant watershed with indigeneous and friut trees, home garden developement, promote organic farming
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2080718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 3650 Environment protection by increasing tree cover around two water reservoirs and awareness raising a
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2080818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 22460 Protect the first reef extending from Mount Lavinia hotel upto and including Bellangala rock and ad
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2080918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 8320 Rationale The Atipola hill area in the Matale district lost most of its natural forest cover due to
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2081018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 33381 Build three micro-hydros with community participation; provide electricity to households in the vil
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2081118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 14608 Awareness programmes & nature excursions for schools, income generating activities for communities,
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2081218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 22834 Promote alternative energy sources for food processing and thereby increasing the economic benefits
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2081318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 7037.39 This village has been overlooked by the national grid because of its remote location in the Kegalle
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2081418140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 21796 Preperation of exhibits, training of youth to lecture on the exhibits in order to raise awareness o
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2081518140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 4842 Establishment of an island wide NGO/CBO Network for conducting an identified Rio+10 follow up progr
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2081618140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 5432 Community forestry in five acres of watershed; establish 20 model homegardens with 20 farmers; awar
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2081718140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 39460 To measure the impact of methane reduction from organic waste with bio gas technology and to build
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2081818140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 13638.50 Promote awareness on solar spice drying technologies, expand the pilot-scale demonstration models a
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2081918140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 661 Conduct Capacity building workshop for NGOs/CBOs of the conflict areas of North, Sri Lanka. Objecti
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2082018140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 15000 Mitigating Human Elephant Confict Village Surrounding Udawalawa National Park.
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2082118140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 11655.82 To plant indigenous tree species on 100 acres of degraded forest land, prevention of soil erosion,
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2082218140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 19000 Promotion of organic farming system to address land degradation issues through farmer training and
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2082318140519 19-May-2014 Sri Lanka US$ 30486 Development of 20 farmer plots with pond, live fence and the growing of new rush/reed varieties; de
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