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Records Found :  1124  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
438051150710 10-Jul-2015 Poland 0 any research topic covered by the eu fp7
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113051150626 26-Jun-2015 Poland 0 design and realization of the s8 expressway section from the "marki" junction to the "kobylka" junc
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382051150611 11-Jun-2015 Poland 0 construction of a giant theme park
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297051150526 26-May-2015 Poland 0 a1 motorway (pyrzowiceczestochowa)
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2001318150420 20-Apr-2015 Poland Not Specified The proposed project is an IFC equity investment of up to EUR 15 million in 21 Concordia L.P. (the
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2010218140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 30423 Protection of surficial waters against pollutants from farms situated near Hancza Lake
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2010818140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 49788 European Souslik reintroduction and protection in Opole region- habitats protection in cooperation
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2010718140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 9499 Conservation of xerotermic grassland in Warta and Notec Valleys by creation of 2 reserves, 5-6 gree
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2020618140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Local processing of agro-biodiversity products as an instrument of strengthening local sustainabili
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2020818140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 12367 Polish Nature- European Treasure
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2021918140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Green Scythe-fighters; revitalization of meadows of great natural value in the Lower Silesia Voivod
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2016318140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 877 Integrated approach to utilization of local resources in the buffer zone of Biebrza National Park
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2016518140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 945 Renaturalization of Mlynszczanka Stream in Beskid Maly Mountains
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2016618140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 28255 The main aim of this project is to improve of retention functions of old degradated polder and rena
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2011418140614 14-Jun-2014 Poland US$ 800 Meeting of Lithuanian and Polish NGOs/CBOs from the border area, with participation of NCs from bot
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2155418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 2990 Creating new hatching sites by installation of multi-seasonal artificial nests (baskets). Monitorin
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2155518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 11721 Stopping of nature degradation processes at valuable wetland areas in Western Poland by reduction o
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2155618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 14247 Creation and development of the willow plantation for energy purposes to protect the biodiversity o
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2155718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 18514 First stage of the long term project aimed on methods of prevention against degradation of wetlands
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2155818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Gathering data for the full project on "Seedlings promotion to increase mountain forest`s biodivers
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2155918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 16924 The main task of the project is to monitor sites (planned 1190) where the white-tailed eagle, ospre
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2156018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 580 Project aimed in preparation of technical design of the breeding center for pond turtle , a focal c
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2140318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 35112 Coal to biomass convertion and solar collector instalation as a one heating system in 2 buildings (
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2140418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 32759 Project is the continuation of the project implemented in the year 2002 (POL/01/41). Previous activ
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2140518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 29313 Promotion of sustainable tourism at Warta River Mouth , Krzesinski and Lagowski Landscape Parks- in
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2140618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 12728 Military testing grounds, despite destruction caused by military exercises,a very valuable areas of
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2140718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1787 Installation of energy saving equipment in a civic (managed by parents) primary school to increase
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2140818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Gatherind data for full project preparation; meetings with people of Malechewo, Borki and other the
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2140918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Project preparation - initial dialoque with local administration (gminas - the lowest administrativ
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2141018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Methodology preparation for the actions to protect the environment against the alien species - Trac
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2141118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Planning grant given for project preparation of black stork project (extensive consultations with f
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2141218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Protection of Green Leged Partrige- project evaluation
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2141318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 12561 The main objective of this project is to create the most optimal conditions enabling maintenance of
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2141418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 19771 Current project is continuation activities carried out in POL/02/17 project. The main goal of the p
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2153018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 43780 Protection of spring and autumn habitats placed at the wetlands of Warmia-Mazury region. Encouragin
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2153118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 22026 Purchase of meadows from private farmers in area of valuable flora along Krutynia River and Luknajn
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2153218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 5557 Project aims in active education about mountain wetlands in Wielka Bystra Valley near Rytro and nea
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2048318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 550 project preparation -meetings/consultations with local community and local government, collection o
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2048418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 31683 Increase of Kestrel quantity amount in Poland by creation more breading places, information and edu
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2048518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 2830 Project aims in 2 monitorings (Winter and Spring 1998) of black grouse in the Kurpie Plain to confi
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2048618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 898 Preparation of project design - incorporation of educational billboards into fence protecting the s
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2048718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 29777 Creation conditionsn for development and use of alternative local sources of energy through establi
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2048818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 48998 The main problem in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship is the lack of cycle tourism base, lack of bicycl
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2048918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 46679 Main goals of the project: Reconstruction of open meadows (sedge-bryophytes) in area of Nowy Lipsk
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2049018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 7675 Construction of drainage canals Woznawiejski and Rudzki in XIX century changed the natural course o
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2049118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 18837 Implementation of project will allow to protect a very unique "Pepper Mountains" reserve with its r
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2130418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 25617 NE Poland (previous 4 smaller voivodship Olsztyn,Suwalki,Lomza and Bialystok,now - greater part of
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2130518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 12831 Extension of project POL/05/07. Main aims of the project: 1. Improvement of qualifications of servi
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2130618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 43366 To use the the waste municipal greenery biomass for heating purposes in two shelters in Gliwice, Po
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2130718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 6198 Tree planting near Leczyca- creation of green belts on the outskirts of Leczyca town used by inhabi
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2130818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 46791 A hundred years ago a narrow-gauge railway with a steam locomotive was a main transportation mean b
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2130918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Project continuation and extension on Parseta and Wieprza Rivers, cooperation with Lithuanian organ
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2131018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 265 Preparatory work including inventory of old varieties iof fruit trees.
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2131118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Local Community Participation in Agro -biodiversity Protection on Kurpie Plain
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2131218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 26619 Extension of actions taken in previous project in Wandzin. The aim of the project was to encourage
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2131318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 31013 Monasteries of different clauses established in Poland from XI Century were places from which messa
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2131418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 48828 The main goal of this project is to expand Foundation`s activity by introducing the raising of the
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2131518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 240 preparation of energy audit for hostel ; submitted project proposal for installation of heat pump w
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2131618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 28572 During routine maintenance of urban green areas as well as due to natural forces(wind,frost) and to
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2131718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 37334 Extensive farming present in area of project intervention kept high biological diversity, reachness
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2131818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 45680 The nature reserve "The Old Polish Yew..." is one of the oldest protected natural environmental loc
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2131918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 300 Preparation of full project with scientific input from professor Janusz Buczynski from Poznan Agric
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2132018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Project extension for the whole country. Integrated approach to bat protection in Poland -II phase
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2132118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 49950 Monopolistic state railway company PKP is reducing gradually many local and reguional train connect
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2132218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 37155 Illegal trade of endangered species of fauna and flora became a great problem, not well recognised,
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2141518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 3359 Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna)is very vulnerable bird because of problems with hatch places;shelduck i
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2141618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 preparatory work on projected full project called Exotic Poland - bike route along the Eastern bord
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2141718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 839 preparation of feasibility study, site-visits to potential grantee; project preparation for a pilot
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2141818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 33548 Small village w school with a long tradition of local community committment since 1930s m was to be
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2141918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Project is a part of Biebrza waste management system programme. The main aim of the project is deve
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2142018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 NGO Training on biodiversity protection in Warmia-Mazury Lake District with 90 participants from lo
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2142118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 5050 During modernisation of churches(roofs) and other parish buildings very often hatch places for barn
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2142218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 12640 Design and make educational billboards for the fencing of "Hel`s Facilities for Seals", purchase a
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2142318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 28784 Foundation for Homeless People of Mutual help BARKA has 400ha farm and 2 typical buildings which be
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2142418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 project preparation aimed in the long term strategy and active protection of doormices covering who
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2132318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 18900 Project aims in production of 2 films based on 3 projects implemented up to now by SIE:POL/02/08 "L
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2132418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 46584 Project aims in poverty eradication in small communities (below 6000 inhabitants) in rural areas us
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2132518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 49020 Modernization of local coal fired boiler plant introduction of biomass heating system and building
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2132618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 17640 The main aim of the project is protection of biodiversity in rural areas through reconstruction of
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2132718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 22102 Reintroduction of the animals to the areas where they have extinct due to human actions. Creating s
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2132818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 80-90% of a global mew gull (Larus canus)populaton is in Europe, in past 2 decades a rapid decline
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2132918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Problem of the national parks and their buffers zones lies in necessary clearence work according to
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2133018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 265 Mini-grant covered cost of trip (over 600km ) of PAZ and local government and farmers to Przemkow L
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2133118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 1000 Preparation of the complex project on solar energy for small villages; identification of partners,p
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2133218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 7740 Protection of natural refuges of yew in Rokita forest division (North-West part of Poland) and crea
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2133318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Domnation of industrial orchads and industrial production of fruits based on foreign modified varie
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2142518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 974 preparation of energy audit for one hostel necessary to design and submitt full project to GEF/SGP
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2142618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 513 cost of feasibility study done by the Institute of Hydrology and Metorogy in Warsaw on possible ins
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2142718140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 302 Improvement of project proposal submitted by Lublin Ornithological Society (information of potentia
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2142818140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 49628 The main problem for bike roads is a gap between town system and country network; the most sensativ
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2142918140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 20050 Preservation of biodiversity of valuable wetland and creation of conditions for development of loca
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2143018140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 20520 Reintroduction of the animals to the areas where they have extinct due to human actions. Creating s
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2143118140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 41430 Renaturalization of streams in Narew river basin in order to increase water retention is the main a
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2143218140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 30343 Creation of bicycle roads system connecting Warsaw, Plock and Wloclawek. Adaptation of the small vi
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2143318140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 21531 fish stocking of a selected Dunajec river courses, poaching prevention, spawning site protection, r
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2143418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 945 Preparation of project aimed in slowing the stream by construction of wooden made barriers, dams;de
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2143518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 Border rivers creates billateral problems between 2 countries- border is established on the course
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2133418140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 37972 Extremaly high operational cost of old-fashioned heating system was one of the main reason for clos
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2133518140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 800 Preparation of project for SGP/GEF; energy audit for 2 buildings and old manor was prepared by dr S
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2133618140519 19-May-2014 Poland US$ 50000 The aim of the project is to procect one of the most endangered bats in Europe - lesser horsehoe ba
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