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Records Found :  195  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
2022318140614 14-Jun-2014 Lithuania US$ 35732.54 Project site: Kamanos State Strict Nature Reserve, covering an area of 3,961 hectares, has enjoyed
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2010118140614 14-Jun-2014 Lithuania US$ 47900.47 The ponds of Grybaulia fall into the category of key wetlands and shallow waters of Lithuania. Ther
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2341918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 13950 Due to the deteriorated reproduction conditions, the resources of salmon in rivers have markedly re
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2342018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 26500 The grantee used planning grant for the preparation of the project proposal. The intensive farming
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2342118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 35255.25 Project objective: Introduction of the climate change mitigation activities in Kamasta landscape pr
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2342218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 2000 The intensive farming that makes significant environmental impact is typical in Kelme district. In
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2334218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 4850 Sosnowski s cow parsnip (Heracleum sosnovskyi) is an aggressive, fast self-spreading invasive speci
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2334318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10950.02 The Project aims to raise various competences for educators including knowledge on environmental as
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2334418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50000 The project addresses the problem of climate change by promoting of ecological transport. It tackle
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2334518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 27600 The project idea has raised form the previous SGP project implemented by Ecological Farming Communi
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2334618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10520 Management of the NATURA 2000 network is a big challenge for Lithuanian people. According to EU Bir
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2334718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 29700 14, out of 30 European, species of bats are registered in Lithuania. Due to decreasing of forest ar
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2334818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 1065.32 Grant to prepare technical project for the construction of the manure collection equipment and impr
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2334918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 22200 During the Soviet times, melioration destroyed all swamps and all natural water pools in the surrou
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2335018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 22120 The village of Musteika in Dzukija National Park has retained a community way of life, with its own
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2335118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50000 Project Aims: SGP in Lithuania seeks to contribute to protection of global environmental resources,
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2335218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 27581.65 Project aims at policy dialog and communities awareness rising in all territory of Lithuania in the
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2335318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50508.16 The main project activities will take place in the western part of Lithuania, the delta of the Nemu
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2335418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 1110 A planning grant will be used for the preparation of the full-size project on management of lowland
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2341318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 37200 The project activities will be implemented in the area of the archeological complex of Medvegalis.
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2335518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 14520 About 80 couples of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) the globally endangered species b
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2335618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 27840.78 The project has several fields of activities. The main aim of the project is to stimulate Lithuania
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2335718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 16912.58 The project integrates all three focal areas of GEF SGP. It has strong element of poverty eradicati
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2335818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 11500 There are 5 types of habitats, 5 species of European importance, and 12 plant species of National i
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2335918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 37720 The project aimed to apply complex measures that would ensure successfull reintroduction of the pop
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2341418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 16910 The project aims to encourage entrepreneurship and income generation of local community and at the
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2341518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 26488.78 The main aim of project is to facilitate cooperation between ecological farms in Lithuanian East re
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2341618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 40450 The project aims to preserve natural grasslands and its species of medical herbs in the buffer zone
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2341718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 13136 Project objective is to improve living conditions for globally endangered bats species, propagate i
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2341818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 39370 Area of Rusne Island on the Nemunas River is 45 km2. It has 1800 inhabitants. Polders system with m
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2336018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 28960.32 The objective of the Project is to preserve the species of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla
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2336118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 14623.71 This practical environmental project developed by the Kaulakiai community initiative seeks to impro
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2336218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50917.57 Main goal of the project is promotion of sustainable transport and tourism through establishment of
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2336318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 7913.62 This multifunctional project is going to promote ideas encouraged by GEF SGP trough telecasting. A
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2336418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10500 The project aims to develop and deepen the consumers knowledge on the ecological farming products a
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2336518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 20852.73 Aukstumala raised bog being a unique wetland based in the Nemunas delta distinguishes for rich biod
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2336618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 4475 Protected areas make about 25% of whole area of Plunge District. Therefore environmental requiremen
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2336718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 45100 The Pilnu namu bendruomene is an organization, providing rehabilitation services for the drug addic
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2336818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 24182.85 The project aims at improving GEF SGP knowledge management and dissemination as well as building ca
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2336918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 44850 An ongoing decline of European Pond Turtle Emys Orbicularis and Fire-belied toad Bombina Bombina is
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2337018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 1705 The NGO is preparing full-size project on testing of the innovative technology for the reduction of
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2337118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 28431.90 Projects aims to protect a breed of birds that has a global importance white storks in the territor
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2337218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 27950 The project will take place in Nemunas delta regional park, Kniaupas Purvalankis Kroku Lanka shallo
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2337318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 28480 One of the reasons due to which breading of fish species had significantly decreased is lack of fry
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2337418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 8088 The aim of the project is to putt in a good order slopes of the river Kupa, which flows through Kup
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2337518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49500 Unsustainable human activities during the Soviet period, as well as decreased moving of bogs and me
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2337618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10950.02 All activities are orientated to raise people awareness about climate changes. The strong belief th
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2337718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 950 The results of the Mini grant project will be to create a bank of data and make its analysis, which
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2337818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 21615.41 Reactivate, stimulate and popularize cultivation of old rye kinds and their adaptation among commun
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2337918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 42160 After Lithuania has joined the European Union much more attention is given to agro- environmental i
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2338018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49955 Capacities of environmental NGOs in Lithuania especially of the small ones and at the grassroots ar
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2338118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49982 In the framework of this GEF SGP most participatory project on promotion and awareness rising of en
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2338218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 4194.20 Project site is in the North East Lithuania (Zarasai and Ignalina districts). The project plans to
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2338318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 20454 The project objectives are: 1) to increase rural community awareness and activate local stakeholder
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2338418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 16364 One of the painful environmental problems caused by Lithuanian farmers is burning of straw leftover
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2338518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49100 The project addresses the problem of climate change and ecological transport, and aims to promote b
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2338618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 8964.99 The target of the project was to protect rare insects, amphibian, bats, and birds in the area close
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2338718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 21250 Project aimed to protect rare plants in Verkiai Regional Park, which was situated near capital Viln
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2338818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 28022 Project aims to protect unique habitats in landscape reservations of Saipiai and Nemirseta, in Plaz
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2338918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50000 47 families participating in the project had received 40 cows of local Lithuania breed and 4 horses
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2339018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 8340 Industrial activities have made Petrasiunai one of the most polluted areas in Kaunas. Pollution in
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2339118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 13645.49 The main aim of the project is to demonstrate possibility to protect important habitats for endange
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2339218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 37342.35 Aim of the project is the developing and creating infrastructure for ecological tourism. Rising int
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2339318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 50000 High central heating cost was a heavy burden for the community small town Simnas neighboring the Zu
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2339418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 32853 That is an active environmental project that will demonstrate the technology of using wasted biomas
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2339518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 8479.78 Awareness raising, capacity building is critical for promoting environmental protection and communi
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2339618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 11224.72 Special agro-environmental measures and financial support are new for Lithuanian farmers. They are
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2339718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49100 Black Grouse and Caperkaillie used to be very common in Lithuanian forests. These species are famou
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2339818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 8067.47 The population of the village is 300 people. There were only two not destroyed public buildings: th
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2339918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 12546.76 Households consume around a half of the final heat produced in the country and energy efficiency of
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2340018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 9999.38 The objective of the project is to minimize conflict between conservation needs of wintering water
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2340118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 15657.20 Two bird wintering sites of international importance for waterfowl and seabirds are indentified. Pr
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2340218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 24170 There are about 250 ha of natural forests near Antaliepte village, in the Sventoji river valley. Tr
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2340318140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 19371.34 When SGP started its activities in Lithuania there was not enough information on the new programme.
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2340418140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 38900 The project aims to strengthen capacities of NGO s, business and government to meet challenges of c
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2340518140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 1324.07 Planning grant to make energy audit of the centre in order to propose better energy management and
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2340618140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 9615 Lithuanian private forest sector uniteds 234,600 private owners having 764,000 ha of private forest
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2340718140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 22600 The project area is located at a vicinity of the Pajuris Regional Park, where local people have lim
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2340818140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 15650 The main aim of activities is to foster ecological tourism and a new way of transportation, and enc
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2340918140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 1705 The NGO is planning to prepare full-size project on Aukstumale wetland (the Nemunas Delta`s Regiona
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2341018140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 44263.50 Venta village is situated in Akmen region, in the territory of Venta National Park. The village was
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2341118140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 42345 The project aims to actively protect agro-biodiversity and to promote ecological farming activities
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2341218140519 19-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 13290.44 Aim of the Project was reconstruction of the European pond Tortoise habitats in the most important
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2047418140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10682.95 Project Promotion of Straw Bale Construction for Climate Change Mitigation started in December 2006
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2049518140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 49890 Problem Water quality in Kelmes area, Tytuvenai regional park lakes is several times higher than in
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2050818140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10510 Project is granted under Special Projects Competition on Environmental Education. The implementatio
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2012918140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 20587.25 Dukstai oakery is situated 30 km north-west from Vilnius, in Neris Regional Park. The oakery is clo
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2025018140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 43260 The project aimed to reduce air pollution by using renewable biomass fuel resources and to increase
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2052118140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 10520 Environmental issues are not integrated in curricula of secondary schools, and attract quite a litt
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2063718140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 12386 ilut region is one of the 4 Lithuanian environmental regions, selected for detailed biota research
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2065618140515 15-May-2014 Lithuania US$ 21869.45 The project encompassed two wetlands in protected areas of two neighboring regional parks. The aims
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2001018140503 03-May-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Medical equipments
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2000718140424 24-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Communications control system
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2002618140423 23-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Architectural design services
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2003718140415 15-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Public road transport services
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2007618140407 07-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
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2000318140407 07-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
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2007318140407 07-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Services related to printing
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2004618140407 07-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Bridge renewal construction work
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2004718140407 07-Apr-2014 Lithuania Not Specified Roadworks
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