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Records Found :  258  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
430051150625 25-Jun-2015 Kyrgyzstan 0 conservation of snow leopards and mountain ecosystems
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337051150610 10-Jun-2015 Kyrgyzstan 0 national water resources management project - phase 1
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2001518150415 15-Apr-2015 Kyrgyzstan Not Specified Bai-Tushum Bank ("BT" or the "Bank") is the first MFI in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia that has trans
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2358918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 16640 Cattle breeding and plant cultivation are the main sources of income in the villages of Jargylchak
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2359018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 1500 Species of fruit-trees and bushes (Prunoaflatunia V.Tkatsh; Pyrus asiae-mediae (M.Pop.) Maleev; Ber
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2359118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7000 Foothills of northern slope of Turkestan range are the habitats of quickly reducing species tulip R
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2359218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 The place of Mazar "Shudugor-Ata" is considered as a sacred place where people used to come to pray
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2359318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6500 The project solves a problem of protection natural walnut forests in buffer zone of Sary-Chelek nat
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2359418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 17600 Main idea of the project is rehabilitation of biodiversity and prevention of land degradation in mo
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2359518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7000 Tien Shan Brown Bear is small (in numbers) subspecies of bears having strong tendency to reduction
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2359618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7200 The Karakol city is administrative center of Issyk-Kul oblast which has according to Low of Kyrgyz
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2359718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6800 In average 2 hectares of plough-land is provided to each family. Decrease of natural soil fertility
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2359818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 Main ideas of the project is preservation of biodiversity in Besh-Tash" natural park by plantation
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2359918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 8000 Debelu Aiyl okrug has a plot with an area of about 2 hectares within its territory where population
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2360018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 3565 The uncontrollable building around Bishkek city aroused as a result of unauthorized land capture. I
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2360118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7493 The basic idea of the project is the reconstruction of village bath-house and transfer its heating
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2360218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7200 Talas town is administrative center of Talas oblast with 35000 populations. 7000 people live in the
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2360318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 Kinds of fruit-trees and bushes (Vitis usunachmatica Vass, Prunoaflatunia V.Tkatsh, Crataegus knorr
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2360418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6800 The basic idea of the project is reduction of manmade pressure on natural ecosystems in the buffer
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2360518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 14124 The local population uses traditional energy supply and is not aware of alternative methods. They h
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2360618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 50000 The main reasons of environmental threats in National Nature Park Karashoro and its buffer zone are
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2360718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7500 The project is going to be implemented in the remote Aktash region. It is high in the mountanious a
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2360818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 The main purpose of the project is rehabilitation and conservation of walnut forest and riverplane
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2360918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 1500 The aim of the project is demonstration of ecological and economic advantages of using the small vo
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2361018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 Main goal of the project is preservation of forest ecosystems around the Tegene village through pla
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2361118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 14000 Because of almost year-round keeping of cattle on village side pastures around Kuigumon village lan
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2361218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 9961 The wood and bush plot are needed to be restored and the project by NGO "Econem" is devoted to pres
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2361318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 3000 Species of fruit-trees and bushes (Prunoaflatunia V.Tkatsh, Malus niedzwetzkyana Dieck ; Pyrus kors
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2361418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 4000 Main ideas of the project is creating industrial plantations from poplar "Piramidalnaya" and willow
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2361518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6055 The south slope of Chatkal range was defined as a slope with high extent of biodiversity. The biodi
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2361618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15900 The main idea of the project is conservation and protection of the rare kind of flower Aygul (Pente
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2361718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6000 Sook tract earlier used as a summer pasture, at the moment, especially in river-plane part is being
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2361818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 The main idea of the project is capacity building of local NGO GEF/SGP partners in Kyrgyzstan via d
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2361918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 2875 Manmade activity (cattle-breeding and plant growing) turned forest-steppe landscape of Alabuka into
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2362018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 Because of almost year-round keeping of cattle on village side pastures around Tegene village the l
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2362118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 The project idea is to encourage local inhabitants to use types of stoves efficient in cost and in
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2362218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 350 Main idea of the research is developing project proposal for creaion special regulation of using th
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2362318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 50000 Kyrgyzstan has huge potentials of solar radiation thanks to its continental location and absolute h
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2362418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 Main idea of the project is promotion and introduction of environmentally friendly and sustainable
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2362518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 14588 The concept of the project consists of planting saplings in the territory of 2 hectares for strengt
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2362618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The basic idea of the project is the propagation and introduction of effective energy saving Dungan
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2362718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7000 The project idea is to support and propaganda of farmer`s initiative, who is planting tree and bush
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2362818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 50000 Proposed project is a continuation of previous project realized by Public Foundation "Rural Develop
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2362918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 30000 The village of Aktetir is located in the Southern Kyrgyzstan with population of 6780 and 1750 house
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2363018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 13215 Main idea of the project is promotion and increase of public awareness about photo voltage technolo
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2363118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 11000 The need for such project arose due to the fact that the condition of the school heating system is
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2363218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 4000 The NGO "Jayuk" is going to achieve the sustainabe development in the Padysh-Ata reserve area of ec
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2363318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 9770 Main idea of the project is to give to local people in village Saruu and Djuuku alternative energy
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2363418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The basic idea of the project is development of local mini-manyfacture in three villages of medicin
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2363518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 Reconstruction of former irrigation canal allows to implement some simple sustainable land manageme
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2363618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 3733 Main idea of the project is preservation of endemic kinds of flowers Alataviya Kolpakovskogo, Juno
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2363718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 The buffer zone of Kulunata reserve is located on the territory of the Karakuldja ayul okmotu. The
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2363818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 4295 In spite of solar heating installation s acceptable price and relative effectiveness they did not b
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2363918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 6000 The main idea of the project is biodiversity conservation through the rehabilitation of relict fore
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2364018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 50000 The project purpose is decreased the rates of land degradation in South regions of Kyrgyzstan and K
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2364118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The aim of the project is rehabilitation of the fragments of natural and man-made walnut forest bel
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2364218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 23000 Lately the Shaidan ayul okmot has been suffering from all kinds of pests on agricultural and forest
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2364318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 16000 The Altyn Kazyk NGO after getting to know the GEF SGP limitation has analyzed its region and elimin
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2364418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 The project proposal was discussed during the local gatherings and the local ayul okmoty has distri
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2364518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The basic idea of the project is the decrease of a level of CO emissions (15%) by reduction of cons
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2364618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 The idea of the project is to demonstrate the use of solar energy and energy efficient technologies
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2364718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 The Tal-Mazar spring is one of the main sources of drinking and irrigation water of Kshtut Aiyl Okr
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2364818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 25000 Badalyk tract is an isolated north-west border of nuciferous forests range of Western Tian Shan. Th
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2364918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 8961 Main idea of the project is installing hydraulic rams, which work for water flow instead of diesel
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2365018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 The project of the NGO "Kutmankol" is going to be implemented in the area along the saint lake Kutm
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2365118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15000 Biodiversity of buffer zone of protected areas is endangered due to cutting trees and cattle grazin
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2365218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 Actions to be undertaken by JAMAAT Koktomduu-Atar : 1. Establish a committee to manage projects 2.
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2365318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 17000 Wetlands are considered with present inhabitants of Akturpak village as an obstacle for agricultura
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2365418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7500 This region`s geographical peculiarity is that there is not enough land to carryout agricultural ac
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2365518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 Uch-Karasuu area is a resting-place and at times a wintering-place for migrant birds, but this area
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2365618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The idea of the project is to develop measures including mechanical, chemical and biological method
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2365718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 Actions to be undertaken by Jamaat Aral : 1. Establishment of a local project management committee
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2365818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 3500 Main idea of the project is protection of riverbanks through planting trees and bushes and using tr
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2365918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 The idea of the project is to introduce the principles of biodiversity conservation and sustainable
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2366018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 17100 The project territory is exposed to strong antropogenic load because of close location to coal mine
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2366118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 17000 Suu-Bashy spring is the main source of portable and irrigation water for Karabak and Suu-Bashy Aiyl
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2366218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 12000 The basic idea of the project is the creation of nursery for the ill, weak, injured marals.Existing
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2366318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 The village of Shakaftar is located in the mountainous area of Southern Kyrgyzstan with population
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2366418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 18000 The local population is using pine trees for their daily needs and this is turning into the trend.
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2366518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 32750 Main idea of the project is demonstration of climate-friendly technologies of using renewable energ
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2366618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 8000 River Chu is the boundary river between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan along the length of almost 200 km
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2366718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 12835 The idea of Project is supporting school staff`s initiative on development of school nursery and em
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2366818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 The idea of the project is to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the flora and fauna of the buffer
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2366918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 9000 A lot of plants included in the Red Book have not had yet developed special protection measures, no
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2367018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 5000 One of the new reasons of birds of prey disappearance is poaching of the local population that is c
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2367118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 50000 With the increase of needs in firewood in the rural areas of Osh oblast and uncontrolled cutting, t
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2367218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 Trees and bushes of Toruaigyr Ayil Okmotu area with population of five thousand in number are being
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2367318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 20000 The main project idea is to publish a book about the successful practice of local artist on protect
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2367418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 35000 The territory of the two national reserves that are located in the Naryn oblast have been struck by
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2368518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 29970 The river Isfara flows on the territory of two countries Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and there are nu
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2368618140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 42773 After having examined the results of Miliekontak international foundation on the analysis of the ar
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2368718140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 2000 Planning grant is given to complete full project proposal if there is potential to receive big amou
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2368818140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 12600 Chemical weed-killers burried back in 1986 in Kochkor ayil okmot present a big threat of poisoning
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2368918140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 21000 This project is the continuation of the project realized in 2009 by the Jamaat Uzgen Ecosistema and
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2369018140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 9000 The Avletim village is located in the mountainous region of South Kyrgyzstan with population of 130
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2369118140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 15400 The idea of the project is to restore the biological diversity of the Natural Park s recreational a
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2369218140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 25000 The main project idea is to maintain sustainable environment in the buffer zone of the Park through
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2369318140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 10000 Actions to be undertaken by NGO Eco-Viaduk-Naryn : 1. Establishment of a local project management c
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2369418140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 7000 The region where the project is going to be implemented was greatly hurt by land degradation becaus
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2369518140519 19-May-2014 Kyrgyzstan US$ 8000 The project idea is in expansion of plantations of Uzunakmat grape through the creation of a nurser
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