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The project information discussed under the following heads

Project Name : Promoter
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Expected Date : Project Profile
Contact Details : Consultant*
Architect* : Contractors *
Milestone * : Funding Agency*

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Records Found :  8  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
2000318150513 13-May-2015 Gabon Not Specified The Project consists in a loan to the "Operating company Transgabonais" ("SETRAG" or the "Company")
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2000218150513 13-May-2015 Gabon Not Specified The proposed investment is an A loan of up to EUR 82 million to Operating company Transgabonais ("S
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2002018130405 05-Apr-2013 Gabon Not Specified EDF Construction of rainwater drainage infrastructure, a service road and development of the Nzeng-
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9065418120905 05-Sep-2012 Gabon 0 EDF technical assistance for theMines component of the project to support sector-based governance
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9065518120905 05-Sep-2012 Gabon 0 EDF technical assistance for theMines component of the project to support sector-based governance
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632116120817 17-Aug-2012 Gabon 0 EDF long-term technical assistance for the project to support vocational training and integration
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736116120809 09-Aug-2012 Gabon 0 EDF technical assistance for theRoad maintenance section of the project to support sectoral govern
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439916120801 01-Aug-2012 Gabon 0 EDF assignment to oversee improvement works in the catchment area
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