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Records Found :  192  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
302051150713 13-Jul-2015 Dominican Republic 0 institutional strengthening and craftsmanship of cacao
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411051150707 07-Jul-2015 Dominican Republic 0 strengthening comprehensive solid waste management in the municipality of las charcas
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466051150702 02-Jul-2015 Dominican Republic 0 electrification by installing micro hydro system in the community el chorro
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379051150625 25-Jun-2015 Dominican Republic 0 knowing and appreciating our natural resources
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448051150625 25-Jun-2015 Dominican Republic 0 construction of improved stoves for rural families borough career mare, municipality of las matas o
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404051150624 24-Jun-2015 Dominican Republic 0 composting center from the recycling of organic waste in the municipality of mao and mao jaibon
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456051150624 24-Jun-2015 Dominican Republic 0 ecotourism committee of local initiatives, "sky" duverge
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341051150612 12-Jun-2015 Dominican Republic 0 establishment of a micro-hydroelectric community
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346051150530 30-May-2015 Dominican Republic 0 banco popular dominicano: partial credit guarantees for letras hipotecarias
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370051150530 30-May-2015 Dominican Republic 0 strengthening human capital accumulation of the youth`s program of prosoli
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298051150530 30-May-2015 Dominican Republic 0 tourism development program in the colonial city of santo domingo ii
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308051150530 30-May-2015 Dominican Republic 0 using icts as a tool for financial inclusion
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2002518150415 15-Apr-2015 Dominican Republic Not Specified The proposed project consists of a local currency fixed-rate loan of up to DOP 2,150 million (appro
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2009718140916 17-Sep-2014 Dominican Republic Not Specified The project consists of the combined cycle conversion of DPP Los Mina Power Plant, one of the two g
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2009818140916 17-Sep-2014 Dominican Republic Not Specified The project consists of the combined cycle conversion of a gas-fired power plant owned and operated
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2009918140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 8500 Production, promotion and marketing of aromatic plants, including the establishment of a greenhouse
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2010018140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 32650 promotion of mechanisms for the use of waste solids and s conversion to improvements in soil and fe
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2008818140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 36520 Update and expand the collection of existing data on the situation of the West Manat (Trichechus ma
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2009718140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 50000 Access to electricity to 134 families in rural border areas through the establishment of two genera
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2009618140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 35000 Improving the conditions of biodiversity and natural resources of the great lake boba By Rio to pla
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2008618140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25000 aumentar la poblacion de un grupo selecto de especies end micas y con muy baja capacidad natural de
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2008718140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 20200 Creating coral nurseries as a tool to preserve and multiply corals, especially those threatened by
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2008518140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 3000 feasibility study for use of a water source to electrify 59 families of the community Chingelo, San
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2009218140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 10000 A Farmer s Association decided to preserve a large tract of their own dry forest through honey prod
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2009318140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 49000 Providing energy to communities delas 160 families and communities Vallecito Montazo clean energy w
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2009418140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 39000 Strengthening agricultural means of production line by establishing 40 units of production and dive
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2009518140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 35000 Raising the standard of living of the producer to the Branch 7 of the Province CONACADO Ram rez S n
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2010618140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 8500 Identification and inventory of medicinal plants through education and training in the community Ji
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2010518140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25000 Improving conditions econ micas 30 farmers by maintaining forest cover in the upper and middle basi
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2010118140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 32000 protection of natural resources (water and forests) head Guaraney river, in the vicinity of Jos par
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2009818140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 21666.67 Lift needed for the development of community activity ecotur guitar in Cient fica Quita Reserva spu
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2010218140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 4245 Promoting rational management of palm forest with participation of four communities including train
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2010318140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 3000 Having studies demonstrating the potentialities Source community water Miguel Ca ada in Hondo Valle
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2010418140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 10000 Create awareness amongst women on the dangers of pesticide misuse through courses, workshops, and c
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2008918140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 18837.37 Increased forest cover in the upper reaches of the river and half Nizao with the establishment of f
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2009018140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 10500 Support production and sustainable use of 21 native wood species through demonstration plots and tr
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2009118140530 30-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25907 restoration of coral Acropora cervicornis through the Creation of at least 5 nurseries in the DR an
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2002218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 7725 Installation of one small ctrica HYDROELECTRIC The Arroyazo in the creek, which rises in the Green
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2004818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 13688 promotion of sustainable production systems n , by Agroforester reforestaci n ay in steep areas and
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2010118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 16070.83 Reforestation and sanitation area lakes and streams where the community thrives on water, erosion c
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2009118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 16392 Conservation and Sustainable Management of Watershed Joaquin Ojeda Ros and Los Patos
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2001818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 16574 Improving living conditions through the use of solar energy to drive the pumping of water to supply
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2009018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 27987 promotion of integral development in three communities in the top of the saw Neyba, using renewable
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2003118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25373.13 promotion of the production of n biocombustile , by planting 600 pi n tasks milk for biodiesel seed
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2006818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 30269.68 boost production in a controlled environment , to improve productivity and sustainable land managem
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2000618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 30000 In this second step , plant production and promotion of 11 native forest species is continued as a
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2002318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 4536 Implement an environmental education program in 10 burroughs Monte Christi next to the National Par
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2005018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25671.64 recovery improved conditions of the coastal ecosystem marinoen Punta Cana, through the development
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2010318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 31566.67 Implementation of practices for the conservation and management of biodiversity through the impleme
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2010518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 29621 Especializadooo Implementation of a revolving fund to support organic production and marketing mode
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2010418140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 17870 Installation of individual small apiary among n members of the organization to improve the quality
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2010218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 27965.93 Facilitating training processes at the local level to promote environmental development projects an
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2000518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 16950 The second step of this project is an attempt to increase project areas, as well as a means of gene
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2004918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 18938 It seeks to strengthen the capacity of institutions receiving grants from PPS / GEF for the documen
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2010618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 29041.08 Installation of infrastructure for the use of renewable energy in the Training Center of SOECI and
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2010718140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 13375.33 Running a water pumping system, powered by photovoltaic energy to solve the shortage of drinking wa
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2009618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 44023 Installation of a community HYDROELECTRIC electrical system and construction of an aqueduct n to pr
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2004618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 2555 Execution of an stico and design of a community HYDROELECTRIC system that allows supply of electric
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2009518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 20694 Sanitation environmental pollution in poor communities n Aldenanas the Ozama by implementation- ro
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2008218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 20725 recovery of acu sources spheres with the installation of 700 tasks agroforestalesen plots of land
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2009418140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 20556 agr recovery of degraded areas in the upper tails of the southern Sierra Neyba bordering Haiti , by
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2009318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 24808 Improving the profitability of the coffee ecosystems and living conditions of farmers, as a mechani
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2008618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 24612 Working with school kids b music in waste utilization Townshi
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2006918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 36030.89 Promote the development econ mico home , making productive use of micro ctrica HYDROELECTRIC throug
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2003318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 21779 promotion of sustainable production systems n in seven communities in the province of San Juan de l
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2007218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 3000 Feasibility study for use of a water source to electrify 45 families of the community of La Pelada,
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2001918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25780 Reduction of pollution by the use of gas and Kerosene improving the conditions of the inhabitants o
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2009218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 30377 incorporation of small coffee producers of Polo , Barahona, a new strategy of production and market
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2000318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 4347 Formaci volunteer ranger group, linked to schools and universities in Santo Domingo, the motivation
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2002018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 24776 Improving the living conditions of the citizens in the community of Los Motacitos , the maximum pr
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2009718140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 4000 Execution of an stico diagn , a design and a plan to build a community HYDROELECTRIC electrical sys
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2009818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 13211 Provide energy to the ctrica households of this community to trav s the Electrical systems of solar
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2008918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 17913.22 Implementation ny promotional marketing of eco route tur guitar Yamas cocoa that help improve the q
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2008818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 27576.23 formation, support T technique and media necessary to Beekeepers Provinces, so that they can take t
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2010018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 17625 reduction of the deterioration of natural resources in the mountains of Padre Las Casas, and n redu
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2004718140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 21826 Seeks to raise awareness to trav s radio environmental problems affecting the pa s and n is linked
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2009918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 17106 Extension of the revolving fund rehabilitation and diversification of coffee growing in the middle
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2006318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 28571.43 Rehabilitation ny n diversification of coffee with the introduction n of fruit and forest species,
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2015918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 27500 Installation of a low cost hydroelectric system to supply electrical energy to 70 homes in the comm
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2016018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 14000 Promoting ideals in preservation of the environment amongnst all audiences , includingn to Organize
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2016118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 12000 Involving the community based Organizations in reforestation of the region of the upper part of Las
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2016218140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 31835 Inpulsar sustainable management of resources in the ditches , using the potential ecotur stico as r
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2016318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 28095 promote local ecotourism development trav s promotion of concienciaci ny n of the n visitaci Miches
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2000018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 9500 Reforesting watersheds of your Yabacao and Capita, using timber and fruit trees. Train community pl
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2007618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 31088 Implementation of recovery plan n forest cover ro slaughter as transboundary basin
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2001518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 25374 Recovery of Biodiversity in the Upper Basin and the Jura River Media
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2007718140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 20000 Rehabilitacion de 40 parcelas de caf y frutales maderables y forestales en reas de 125 tareas cada
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2007818140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 24611 Rehabilitation diversification ny n 800 tasks with coffee fruit and forest producers that benefit 4
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2008018140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 23316 Installation of a photovoltaic system to electrify a community and bring clean energy to 40 familie
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2008118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 45337 Installation of a Micro-HYDROELECTRIC ctrica with capacity of 18 Kw to give energy aa 38 homes
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2000118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 9680 Investigate the sectors of the economy informally linked to the depletion of the ozone layer and to
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2001618140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 17313 Serve as a channel to disseminate the experiences n is being developed different organizations and
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2007918140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 28497 Installation of three ships 240m2 to benefit YOUNG aj as mounted in coffee
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2008518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 47927 Installation of a Micro-HYDROELECTRIC ctrica with capacity of 45 Kw to give energy aa 80 homes in f
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2001118140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 9500 Planting trees with the collaboration of Farmer Organizations, and Establishing demonstration plots
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2006418140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 21428.57 Resetting lobster populations in La Caleta Underwater National Park through the creation of h n and
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2001418140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 18507 promotion of solar energy for rural electrificati n in remote communities in the border province of
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2007318140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 22021 Rehabilitacion de 32 parcelas de caf y frutales maderables y forestales con una superficie total de
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2007418140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 31088 Installation of one HYDROELECTRIC Micro ctrica energy to give aa 109 homes in three communities wit
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2007518140524 24-May-2014 Dominican Republic US$ 24611 Improve the quality of life of the 25 families living in the community of Loma n Maim, through the
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