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Records Found :  35  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
359051150723 23-Jul-2015 Colombia 0 water for life and sustainability
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443051150708 08-Jul-2015 Colombia 0 management and destruction of ozone depleting substances in ods banks
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408051150703 03-Jul-2015 Colombia 0 colombia transit-oriented development nama
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214051150625 25-Jun-2015 Colombia 0 sogamoso hydroelectric plant
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219051150625 25-Jun-2015 Colombia 0 ruta del sol motorway, third lot
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320051150624 24-Jun-2015 Colombia 0 microfinance for ecosystem-based-adaptation to climate change
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349051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 support to the financial system reform
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323051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 pilot project for the adoption of batteryelectric buses in colombia
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327051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 program for institutional strengthenin of the mines and energy sector
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331051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 support for health superintendence restructuring and strengthening
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336051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 support identification options regulation of currents
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340051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 support to apc colombia to create an initiative for the sustainable development
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296051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 banco mundo mujer: productive financing for microentrepreneurs in colombia project status
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299051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 support to the institutional scheme of bogota metro
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301051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 methodology implementation for the postconflict and sustainable development fund
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311051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 perimetral oriental de bogot public private partnership
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371051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 institutional strengthening of the general comptroller program
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374051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 program to support agricultural competitiveness
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378051150530 30-May-2015 Colombia 0 assessing tropical dry forest biodiversity and ecosystem services
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323051150526 26-May-2015 Colombia 0 technological transformation program for bogota`s integrated public transportation system
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2000418150418 18-Apr-2015 Colombia Not Specified Transambiental S.A. or the "Company" is one of the three bus operator concessionaires for the new i
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2000318150418 18-Apr-2015 Colombia Not Specified Transcaribe S.A. is a public entity created in 2001 by the Municipality of Cartagena to structure a
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2003018150409 09-Apr-2015 Colombia Not Specified The purpose of this project is to increase the access to finance to the lower segment of the popula
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2002918140222 22-Feb-2014 Colombia Not Specified DCI Technical assistance for the programme to support the rural development policy focusing on regi
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2000918131120 20-Nov-2013 Colombia Not Specified DCI International open invitation to tender for the purchase of technological equipment and mobile
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2005818131120 20-Nov-2013 Colombia Not Specified DCI Services for the project entitledInstitutional support for the Colombian criminal justice syste
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2000718130708 08-Jul-2013 Colombia Not Specified DCI International open invitation to tender for the purchase of equipment to carry out virtual hear
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2001118130708 08-Jul-2013 Colombia Not Specified DCI International open invitation to tender to purchase mobile units to carry out medico-legal auto
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2000318130708 08-Jul-2013 Colombia Not Specified DCI International open invitation to tender to provide technological resources for the offices spec
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53818121212 12-Dec-2012 Colombia 0 DCI implementing the communication and visibility strategy for European Union cooperation in Colom
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1109716120804 04-Aug-2012 Colombia 0 DCI capacity development for officials of the National Public Prosecutors Office concerning crimin
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1109816120804 04-Aug-2012 Colombia 0 DCI capacity development and education-management support for Colombian State prison officers
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403816120621 21-Jun-2012 Colombia 0 DCI services for the design and implementation of the municipal and departmental territorial manag
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404016120621 21-Jun-2012 Colombia 0 DCI technical assistance for the Presidential Programme for integral action against anti-personnel
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254216120609 09-Jun-2012 Colombia 0 DCI purchase of mobile units for transporting and inspecting cadavers, physical evidence and proof
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