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Records Found :  238  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
413051150710 10-Jul-2015 Chile 0 solar energy for power and heat generation
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448051150708 08-Jul-2015 Chile 0 price stabilization fund (chile)
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210051150625 25-Jun-2015 Chile 0 angostura hydroelectric project
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350051150530 30-May-2015 Chile 0 heritage neighborhoods improvement
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355051150530 30-May-2015 Chile 0 implementation of emerging and sustainable cities (ices ) initiative in the regu
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359051150530 30-May-2015 Chile 0 strengthening of mtt`s institutional capacacities for the large scale port
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363051150530 30-May-2015 Chile 0 strengthening of the management of municipalities in chile
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367051150530 30-May-2015 Chile 0 strengthening of vocational education
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340051150526 26-May-2015 Chile 0 geothermal risk mitigation program (financial instrument component)
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343051150526 26-May-2015 Chile 0 large-scale photo-voltaic program (lspvp)
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345051150526 26-May-2015 Chile 0 utility scale re-geothermal: geothermal risk mitigation program
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2003718150409 09-Apr-2015 Chile Not Specified The proposed transaction aims to support Banco Consorcio in Chile ("the Bank") through a senior loa
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2006518140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 3343 Complement the existing bot nico park with flowers and trees native to the island of Chilo insertin
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2006618140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 18455.80 Using edible mushrooms as a sustainable alternative conservation of native forest sector
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2006018140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 13653.85 This initiative is intended to complement a series of actions to strengthen the organization ny pro
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2005918140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 44931 Start a survey of the Cordillera of Chile in the area of Caj n del Maipo. Study on morphology, flor
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2005818140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 48076.92 project with high participation are 5 locations that are articulated around aa la Junta Residents W
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2006118140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 45206 The project was developed on the waterfront north of the city of Antofagasta this is an area that h
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2006218140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 46315.38 This comuniidad lead women work the issue of livestock management and community forestaci n and gra
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2006318140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 23529.41 Community conservation work places (areas of protection) and efficient use of energy
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2006418140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 14516.13 This initiative seeks to develop an outdoor school that allows a methodology to implement innovativ
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2005718140530 30-May-2014 Chile US$ 50000 Accompanying project is plowing Prosesa projects funded jointly by CONAMA / Sendero de Chile and PP
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2511218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 22222.22 This project is developed in the VIII region n and addresses the issue of food security together wi
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2511318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 38889.89 The prinicpal problem Basin Llancahue is the degradation of native forests as a result of the press
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2511418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 35252.52 The mapuche territotio is very involved recently, nowadays there is a great desplazanm ment of comm
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2511518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 38703.70 The community of futa is organized and structured to improve environmental conditions in the river
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2511618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 35333.43 Grenerar a human platform (commissions) and technological strategic of monitoring and exchange of i
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2511718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 27178.57 Proyecto de gran relevancia para la comunidad de Chaihuin, ellos proyectos la habilitaci n un siste
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2511818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 40000 In the V region n and especially in the waterfront the quintay fishermen Union is organized to be a
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2511918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 1877.11 In the region Iv n the phenomenon of the degradaco n of land is viewed with great agrsividad and al
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2512018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 21146.93 This project aims to train tour guides and create alliances public and private giving to the sector
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2512118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 16114.70 In region VI n Chilese trail located in the spec specifically in the Havienda Cauquense mountain ra
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2512218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 12019.23 El pueblo de Taira reune solo 4 viviendas muy alejadas y nunca van a tener luz, a trav s del proyec
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2512318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 44909 Provide electricity, using energy to renewable, 100% of rural families in Amincha, Ascot border n,
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2512418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 12846 This project aims to assist the town of Achacagua, with the use of the you to cook more and more sc
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2512518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 37037.04 project with a component of integrated management of micro basins and watercourses, strong of the m
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2512618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 35457.49 raise awareness within the community about the risks to health and the environment as a whole. Havi
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2512718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 50000 The communities Agr tails of the region IV n respond to an important n mere people and hect reas of
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2512818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 50000 The Elqui Valley is a tourism development pole, in this valley the vegetation n among other things
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2512918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 35674.77 It aims to educate the community of Maria Pinto, working with farmers and the Lyceum of the place t
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2513018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 24181.93 Project, presented by a Board of neighbors and tries to find solutions as thefts org n output domes
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2491518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 46284.89 This project is located aleda or to the Valdivian Coastal reserve in the 10th region of Chile and w
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2491618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 39683 Identify and develop extensive environmental experiences that allow you to diversify the productive
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2491718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 16896.93 strengthen the route of the carriers as a destiino tourism in the framework of the project path of
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2491818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 14190.06 project that will implement an environmental centre and contrucci n of a circuit (path) under a for
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2491918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 32241.69 Mills Cove fishermen have shown their concern to the decreasing n n of the Red Sea Urchin at the Co
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2492018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 22654.82 The ecosystems of the region II are total arid, ar cha was a native species that populated in the W
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2492118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 32364.03 The project is located on the coast of the V regi n area where the fishermen Union is responsible f
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2492218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 28000 Community improvement of the quebrada de Crdoba, one of the priority areas of recordkeeping CONAMA
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2492318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 44695.24 are women entrepreneurs which has 4 family micro-enterprises currently using him to their productio
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2492418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 45161 N a construction proposal for sustainable development for the commune of Puqueld n. also seeks the
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2492518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 21317.65 locality working building and Camber form of cooking your food, ultizara preferably solar energy is
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2492618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 7697 Ind est n genas communities long interesadads on the environmental issue in Sepcial l ecotourism te
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2492718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 46283.31 IN regions VIII and IX regions the blue goose have been characteristics and end Muscovites. These c
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2492818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 50000 Moon of the potential of the projects is the possibility of authorities encourage other communities
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2492918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 34291.07 In the Ix region n and in the VIII Region the largest populations of mapche ethnic indigenous commu
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2493018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 23076.92 The Group youth environmental advanced is a group waiting for connecting these two sectors associat
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2493118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 30464.70 Given the non-existent conditions of management of the resource forest for families that are part o
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2493218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 4045.50 IX regi n is the greater population n ind gena of Chile and in particular there are communities ale
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2493318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 32364.03 Contribute to deterer and reverse the process of desertificaci which affects the regi n IV, empower
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2493418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 16129.03 Implementation n of a route for pedestrians and livestock, use that does not apply to vehicular use
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2493518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 16129 Strengthen the capacities of communities ind genas in gesti n of its territory and the sustainable
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2493618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 32235.29 project integral to working a series of lines forestaci n comuitarie, recovery n from soil, exclusi
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2493718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 41340 Improve the quality of the families related through the improvement of local environmental conditio
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2493818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 48509.80 Will work communally to watershed forestando and fencing the area and handling of goats, mainly
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2493918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 10715 The coastline of the region VIII n has an interesting and beautiful natural landscape provsito of b
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2494018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 21634.62 This project aims to implement land management in the community of Los Liles plans considering rest
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2494118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 11702.13 This project will implement 3 has a path intermpretativo using typical products of the area in the
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2494218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 28674 Determine and manage the main par environmental meters for the development of the species in captiv
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2494318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 34565.62 Create a plan of management n community for the sanctuary, which includes a book of the same, sensi
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2494418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 4576.27 The center of parents of school basic G-408 of Tunga South joins the global movement of the green w
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2494518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 36407.41 project aims to replicate the autoconstrucci n witches cookers and ovens solar for 120 families of
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2494618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 23074 Este proyecto corresponde a la continuidad de otro proyecto PPS y obdedece a la buena aceptaci n po
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2494718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 26421 The region V n there are vast areas that have been mu deteriorated in environmental terms either by
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2494818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 50000 Easter Island is on an 80% National Park and only the remaining 20% is in the hands of the Rapa Nui
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2494918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 29000 In the region Metropolitan n there are several environmental problems related mainly to the great p
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2495018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 35118 Proptecci n of the ecosystems of greater biodiversity of the region of Los Lagos, X Regi n n, such
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2495118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 37921.19 the project pretends to install with the help of the Lyceum of Christmas a productive system mescla
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2495218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 8500 Be necessary to consider training the coordinators of projects in such a way to have a pool of prof
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2495318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 22563 Implementation of productive process through the introduction n 30 teams and systems that work with
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2495418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 5387.23 they will work in mechanics and autocontruir 11 solar cookers for the community of quota, in the Ch
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2495518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 42936 In the South of Chile, VIII rgi nexisten sectors which have been harvested their forests and where
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2495618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 13503.89 In the regi Ays n n (XI Regi n) is a region of extraordinary beauty, there is a great use of wood a
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2495718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 27509.43 Collaborate with the reduction offset through the use of a system of n non-polluting Festival, crea
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2495818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 37155.56 project that aims to install and train community in the collection water n rainy season for use of
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2495918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 26442.31 Huiro is a community ind gena which are with their land immediately next to the Valdivian Coastal R
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2496018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 14000 Conchal is one of the communes of the region Metropolitana n considered in the plan of superaci n o
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2496118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 42457 In the X regi n of the Lakes, South of Chile, Ind community gena Weyoi has been marketing n and bro
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2496218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 37634.41 This project aims through the acci n community protect and restore the area of La Poza, place the s
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2496318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 41050 V regi n are the main concentrations of Chilean Palm, species listed as vulnerable to the extinic n
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2496418140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 45000 The nahuelbuta mountain range is characterized by interesting plant formations in this case include
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2496518140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 24582 The community of Rafa Burgos is a mapuche community which is located in Vilc n IX Region and presen
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2496618140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 45000 Maintain and increase a banks varieties of native potatoes (tub rculos), develop a strategy of educ
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2496718140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 9000 Is dialled a workshop be as objective met the coordinators of the projects and the coordination n r
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2496818140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 48725.49 project work comunitariemante property management, recovery water, mapping, demonstration of energy
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2496918140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 12939 This initiative is a pioneer in the PPS Chile because for the first time is work from the profile o
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2497018140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 28674 Easter Island has a unique biodiversity that has been impaired, therefore this community from the p
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2497118140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 23076.92 intends to implement a trail and campsite managed directly communities there is the interconecci n
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2497218140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 17543.86 Project of community involvement in the path of Chile
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2497318140519 19-May-2014 Chile US$ 15719.85 This project aims to increase the population n copihues floral species native tica emblem known as
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