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Records Found :  144  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
2000018150709 09-Jul-2015 Burkina Faso Not Specified This Summary of Investment Information (SII) is prepared by IFC to disclose a factual summary of th
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390051150616 16-Jun-2015 Burkina Faso 0 sahel malaria and neglected tropical diseases
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486051150609 09-Jun-2015 Burkina Faso 0 regional sahel pastoralism support project
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2003418140530 30-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36084 Recovery project 100ha of degraded land in the village of Kampinga
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2003518140530 30-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 34793 Preservation and promotion of biological diversity of the WOBB-DIO sacred site Tenoule
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2003618140530 30-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 41074 Project against the degradation of arable land in the villages of ledere and Bourba in common Boala
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2045318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 22056 This project aims to restore the habitat 5 these aquatic species in the pond by the sacred e r d
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2045418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 22270 Makes valuation of the shares of GEF/NGO of his boot to 2001 (Strat gies and golf) to draw lessons
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2045518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 22422 Project against the gradation of land by promoting the Agro Forestry... on: * Strengthening capacit
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2045618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 22857 Shoreline restoration dam bati by the lib ration of banks by the occupants of the dam and the refor
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2045718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 23995 of limitation, lib ration, protection, restorationt for a relic in the town of Kampti production pl
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2045818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 24739 Village Moundasso is a leading provider of firewood for the city of D dougou But looking for easy m
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2045918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 25462 Through this project, the Association Relwend F minin aims fight against water erosion and wind of
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2046018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 25967 This project aims gum prot ger and the gommerais rich so that farmers can export gum arabic quality
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2048918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35115 Project management for t village of Kiss on: 1 Pr server for the e t sacred village Kiss by setting
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2049018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35115 Project objectives were to: Save and keep the plants m dicinales, including endangered by the estab
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2049118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35253 The overall objective of this project is Contribute to economic social veloppements of the populati
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2054218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 45270 organization of workshopsd are gional information and training for the agentss leadership, CBOs,
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2054318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 45379 lilitation d, d am nagement collective botanical garden. Protection of these species in situ cinal
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2054418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 45502 Overall objective of the project: D develop sustainable honey production by the protection, conserv
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2054518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 45724 Sp cific objective 1: R realize the nagements am and cr st favorable conditions the increase of wil
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2054618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 45785 Project for sustainable management of biological resources in nine (9) villages intervention group
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2054718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 46124 Organization of th tree forum on the problem my environmental of these regions to the general publi
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2054818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 46436 Justification of the project the degradation of natural resources is today a major mathematical pro
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2054918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 47587 The project support the improvement of fertility am land in the Department of Samba whose overall o
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2055018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 47914 Members of the ABF aware of problems my environmental (degradation of resources foresti d) res, inc
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2056518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49872 Project of restoration and valorisation of 57 hectares of gommerai in the Somyaga on terroir: the r
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2056618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49896 Project support are cup ration land of grad es in the land of Bogoya and promoting the economy of f
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2056718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49929 The analysis of data on the difference are different types of soils and their farming skills and di
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2055118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48323 The deficit of PLUVIOM cudgel engendr in these last res an es and excessive land use have entered n
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2055218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48413 The draft are cup ration of soils grad s is a willingness of the people of Department of Barga, of
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2055318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48512 Draft of defence and restoration of land grad villages of Ouatinoma, Gourga and Podiigo By pr conse
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2055418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48617 D limitation, s securing/am improvement of habitat for wildlife, qualitative and quantitative incre
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2055518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48660 The village has the advantage of Paraouigut have a natural tendency for thats an area of approximat
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2055618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48688 Objectifs du projet Objectif global : Contribuer la r cup ration des terres d grad es dans la commu
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2052918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 39823 Overall project objective : Strengthen the capacities and skills comp s women Binkoora am for their
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2053018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 39974 Support the am nagement and management for T villager gassan, TCDE for the group by the government
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2053118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 40196 Needs of arable land and mismanagement of natural resources perp tr es by an exponential increase i
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2053218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 40275 D une dur e de 2 ans, ce projet vise la restauration/ pr servation de la ressource halieutique et d
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2053318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 40760 The Association Doloti res and retailer of Dolo Kadiogo ( ADRDK ) is an organization of over 400 me
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2053418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 41017 Facilitating the implementation of activities s visibility, strengthening capacity s actors and par
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2053518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 41077 Overall objectives: contribute the sustainable restoration of the environment in the villages conce
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2055718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 48945 This project that culture (traditions) and environmental protection is overseen by the ADECUSS but
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2055818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49042 Draft are cup ration land of grad es on: * The formation of 107 members of the Association persons
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2055918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49145 The use of chemicals prohib s, the abandonment in the nature of differ ent toxic packaging or not d
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2056018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49193 The present draft proposes pr ad quate actions to address the constraints and problems encountered
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2056118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49246 Project, building capacity of actors s/GEF NGO whose objectives are hereinafter cit s s Program: 1
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2056218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49256 Ts are for the class of bolt and Kofland constitute the single ecological entity dot ed a rich heri
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2056318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49408 Continuous gradation of the soil is now a pr occupation for producers. A gradation s of this adds e
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2056418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49822 Association for the Advancement of Women es Handicap (APFH) is in June 1996. It has a hundred membe
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2053618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 41807 Overall project objective: The overall objective of the fight against gradation of land and poverty
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2053718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 43494 Most of the women Orodara derive their revenues from activities s of processing, packaging and mark
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2053818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 44459 D limitation, am nagement (opening track, are realization of water points), development of village
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2053918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 44476 Sp cific objective 1: Restore, in three years, 99 hectares of grad es gr what actions rgn ration an
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2054018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 44487 Overall project objective: Contribute sustainable management of biological resources and land in th
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2054118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 44859 This project is no need to r solve the equation between INAD n pr necessary preservation of the env
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2050618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 20654 The draft are cup ration land of grad es of the Association Wend Kong is: l am nagement site anti
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2050718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49944 Project d electrification of the village of Boala by solar energy l on: the formation of a solar en
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2050818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49961 The Association has ZAMA KOUNHOUN t recognized 2003. 300 members. Pr feels soumi GEF/NGO project to
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2050918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49986 The project aims to contribute to sustainable management of biological resources from Monast re Kou
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2051018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49988 The project is intended to be primarily a project of planting trees in the city of Ouagadougou. Th
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2051118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 49994 Project d electrification of the village of Nagr by solar energy l on: the formation of a solar ene
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2051218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 9332 support for the attainment of a drilling ford a complete intake ing water for maintenance of plant
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2051318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36050 Project am nagement of t for Hunters Soro on: 1) Training of 172 people in various fields; 2) Am na
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2051418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36150 Establishment and management of a p re pni, 4 grooves plants esp the local endangered; support the
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2051518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36580 The project covers eight villages of the department : Gambo , Goubr , Kirbou , Ramsa , S n ga gu ,
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2051618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36750 The project supported the restoration of soils grad s and environmental protection in the village o
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2051718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 36823 Production, planting, promotion of the use and enhancement of plant leaves or edible fruit. strengt
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2051818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 37009 Project management for t village of Kiss on: 1 Pr server for the e t sacred village Kiss by setting
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2051918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 37089 This project will contribute to the preservation of the environment gr this solar energy l pr. It p
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2046118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 26895 establishment of 2 per pini res village, 3 village woodlots, stone bunds in 3 villages, the practic
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2046218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 27297 Overall project objective: Contribute are cup ration land of grad es by promoting technology are cu
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2046318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 27801 Establishment of two botanical gardens cinales md (1Ha fruiti res plants, esp those of local 1ha )
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2046418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 28322 Prot ger, a world cultural heritage valorisation constitutional ruins pr colioniales geaient that p
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2046518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 28936 During production practices/planning trees dispenss to the dreams, contests on my th s s PICKED by
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2046618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 29336 Objectives long term a.contribuer pr preservation of biological diversity; b.contribuer l environme
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2046718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 29784 The project is seen to r pr achieve in the region r North Centre , in the province of Namentenga pr
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2044318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso Project am nagement and participatory management of ant for inter village hunting 8400 acres on the
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2044418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 11538 D limitation, restoration, development and enhancement of fens for the village of t Piengou by the
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2044518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 111.77 Realization of Rs actvit communication, visibility GEF/NGO program (cr ation Managements website, m
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2044618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 14781 L Association Toupouor Barn-Yen, which means in Dagara go looking for knowledge or accept the knowl
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2044718140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 17236 Safeguard classified species vg tales endangered in the village drill Gognon; S capacity building (
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2044818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 17560 This project involves the protection of relic for a single t of its kind on the entire region are
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2044918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 20791 This project and d am planning of the rehabilitation for natural t for Dawaka to main activities:
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2045018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 21080 Project Justification : The fight against the gradation of land , is a pr national environmental oc
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2045118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 21208 Implementation and managements versatile garden equipped with 2 points of water, producing re marai
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2045218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 21678 Project description. In the region are Gaoua the conjugate effects of the gradation s climatic cond
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2049218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35259 The strat call framework for the fight against poverty (PRSP) in Burkina Faso attaches great import
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2049318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35360 Overall objective: combating the degradation of cropland objectives specific d: 1. limit d degradat
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2049418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 35836 The grouping has appointed KIRIPAN t cr in 1998. Aims of the Resource Development vg tales and wild
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2049518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 17714 Project Justification The cultivation of cotton, consuming land, destructive canopy vg tal, e Encou
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2046818140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 30258 D limitation/enrichment setting of fens, practicals modern beekeeping s capacity building of member
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2046918140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 30425 Lib ration and reforestation of the banks of Mouhoun fight against water pollution by pesticides to
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2047018140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 30490 Commissioning d fens and sustainable exploitation of the for village t in local Kourougouera, plant
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2047118140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 30677 Implementation and managements versatile garden, grove collective construction utilsation septic a
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2047218140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 30810 This project project of the biological diversity and adaptation to the effects of climate change ha
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2047318140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 31758 The region r Mouhoun favorites is about the e PLUVIOM sorts , flora and soil fertility . But che s
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2047418140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 31903 Its s is a development project of fens for t. we are also Alisera of pierreus cordss erosion and s
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2047518140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 31976 The project aims to contribute to restore the covered vg tall banks to fight against the silting of
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2047618140517 17-May-2014 Burkina Faso US$ 32254 Project, Pr conservation of biological diversity of traditional are serve as Tiempagora whose objec
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