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Records Found :  310  
Ref NoPosting DateLocationValueShort Description
364051150704 04-Jul-2015 Brazil 0 low carbon development country studies
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342051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 sucden: sugar & bio-energy corporate finance loan
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345051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 urban requalification program of the western region of aracaju
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302051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 tourism developmente program - rio grande do norte state
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307051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 strengthening social inclusion and services networks - proredes fortaleza
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312051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 santo andre urban sustainable mobility program
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368051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 regional development, climate change and biodiversity adaptation strategies
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283051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 sucden: sugar & bio-energy lending credit facility
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326051150530 30-May-2015 Brazil 0 integrated development program of campo grande
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365051150525 25-May-2015 Brazil 0 cross-border migration: strengthening the capacity of the brazilian federal government
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400051150518 18-May-2015 Brazil 0 caribbean large marine ecosystem (clme+)
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2001718150420 20-Apr-2015 Brazil Not Specified The project consists in the construction and operation of a telecommunication infrastructure networ
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2001118150420 20-Apr-2015 Brazil Not Specified The proposed investment is a senior loan, of BRL42 million (approximately US$16 million), to Foxx U
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2002118150415 15-Apr-2015 Brazil Not Specified The proposed investment is a senior loan, of BRL42 million (approximately US$16 million), to Foxx U
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2004118140922 22-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified Delta`s three mills are located in a geographically concentrated cluster in the "Tringulo Mineiro"
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2004118140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified With a network of 23 hospitals totaling more than 3.7 thousand beds and 30 oncology treatment units
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2008818140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified The Project ( Finvest FIDC ) supports Finvest Servi os Financeiros S.A. s plans to launch a fund to
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2003818140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil USD 80 million Affero Lab Participacoes S.A. (Affero Lab or The Company), a Brazilian education company and the le
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2006318140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified The proposed IFC Loan entails providing a tranched corporate facility of US$ 80 million with final
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2003718140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified AfferoLab is a privately-held professional services company focused on training, personnel developm
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2005918140916 17-Sep-2014 Brazil Not Specified The project company X5s objective is to construct and operate up to 10 datacenters in around Brazil
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2002718140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 29550.84 Rescue and preservation of native seeds of Inhamuns region
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2003218140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 29422 This project has the formation and qualification of community agroforestry agents working toward di
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2003318140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 33613.24 This project aims to protect the genetic heritage of traditional seeds in smallholder farms in the
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2002918140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 50000 Consolidation of results achieved by the project Participative Methodologies for Indigenous Project
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2003018140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 26797.76 Water, Seed and Biodversity: Alto Jequitinhonhas free fair of knowledge
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2003118140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 21333 A socio-environmental assessment will be carried out in the Lim o-Verde indigenous village. Alterna
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2002618140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 20000 Structure and organization of production processing of native Cerrado fruits.
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2002818140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 16415 Capacity building for small farmers on sustainable soil management and handicraft production with C
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2002518140530 30-May-2014 Brazil US$ 25042.22 Institutional strengthening of CCAMA affiliated cooperatives through the establishment of a network
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2180218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 20902 70% of the community is made up of Cerrado soils, with significant presence of the Pequi tree (Cary
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2180318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 21300 This project will take place in the Bico do Papagaio region, in the state of Tocantins. The purpose
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2199818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 50000 The goal of this porject is to systematize and disseminate a political proposal for popular medicin
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2199918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 50000 Increasing the production and processing of medicinal herbs used in traditional medication, and cap
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2200018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 50000 Increasing the lab and building a nursery of native, medicinal, ornamental and fruit species.
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2200118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 50000 The goal of this project is development of a systemic methodology for evaluation of impacts and out
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2200218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 7027.91 The project is located in the largest preserved Cerrado area in the country. The fragile economy in
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2200318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 7558.92 A Babassu palmnut (Orbignya speciosa) processing unit will be implemented in a community where a gr
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2200418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 7944 This project seeks to expand the medicinal plant initiative in the municipality of Rio Verde, state
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2200518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 9267.49 The Jequitinhonha Valley region of Minas Gerais, where the municipality of Turmalina is located, is
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2193918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 30000 This project seeks to rescue, preserve, and promote traditional popular medicine traditions in Midw
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2194018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 30000 This project will take place in S o Jo o d Alian a, in the state of Goi s. The goals are recovery o
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2194118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 30000 The Bico do Papagaio region has traditional production of babassu (Orbignya phalerata, Arecaceae) p
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2194218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 30000 Project aimed at offering cpacity-bulding for 60 families in productive activities with agroecologi
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2194318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 30000 the project is aimed mainly at strengthening the Prata Community Association of Wild Collectors and
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2028118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22444.44 Continuity of environmental education and agroecological activities with agrarian reform settlement
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2028218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22444.44 Consolidation of a transition process from the traditional production system to the agroecological
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2028318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22559.22 This project seeks to assist babassu palmnut crackers in the state of Maranh o to maximize their re
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2028418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22621.40 Implementation of the Clearing Without Burning system in three indigenous villages (Rio do Ouro, Tu
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2028518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22622.22 Encouraging best practices of medicinal plant species management and identification of species to p
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2028618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22643 Best practices for regional sustainability will be demonstrated in this project, by complementing I
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2028718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22648.08 This project will take place in S o Miguel do Tocantins, state of Tocantins. The regional rural wor
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2028818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22706.39 Food security for the Krah Indigenous people will be improved through beekeeping and solar dehydrat
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2028918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22715.48 This project has the installation of a processing plant for a threatened Cerrado species - baru (Di
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2029018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22727.27 Implementation of agroforestry systems and strengthening of existing agroecological experiences in
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2029118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22784.34 This project seeks to bring environmental education to the Paracatu (Minas Gerais state) rural comm
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2180418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 21330.23 Expanding large scale agriculture (soy, cotton and sugarcane) presents immediate threats to the are
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2180518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 21620.21 It is no longer possible for Xavante women to collect fruit as they used to in the Tanguro Village,
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2180618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 21825.30 Verticalization of the activities in the Cunha Agrarian Reform Settlement is sought through the con
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2180718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22000 This project aims to contribute to sustainable development of family farming in the Mid Northern Ma
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2180818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 22119.34 Due to extensive cattle ranching, babassu groves in Maranh o state are destroyed for creation of pa
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2180918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23020 Discussions will be carried out with regional socio-environmental NGOs, small farmers, indigenous p
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2181018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23048 Promotion of agroforestry in the Cerrado is the main objective of this project, which will take pla
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2181118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23173.91 This project is comprised of lectures on the subject of environmental education in six different ru
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2181218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23304.36 This projects seeks to recover degraded areas by reforestation of native forest and fruit species f
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2181318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23445.58 The Upper Jequitinhonha region has grave problems of poverty and low Human Development Indices. Wid
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2181418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23536.60 Golden grass (Eriocaulaceae family) is a perennial plant used for handcrafts in Jalap o, state of T
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2175518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 10000 O projeto visa a constru o e equipagem da loja do artes o de Mateiros, para promover a melhoria nas
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2175618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 10526 The development of a simple methodology for evaluation of the effectiveness of biodiversity conserv
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2175718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 11912 Handicraft production using native seeds and women s organization in the southwest of Bahia.
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2175818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 12670 This project will take place in the municipality of Alto Para so, state of Goi s. An improvement in
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2175918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 13009.05 This project is a community initiative seeking to gather different species of plants in a medicinal
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2176018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14000 Developing conservation activities and environmental education processes related to wild collection
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2176118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14177.10 An ecotourism operation will be implemented in the Nova Esperan a Indigenous Village, having a set
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2176218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14200 This project will take place in Serra do Cip , in the state of Minas Gerais. The local community wi
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2176318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14222.22 Implementation of a system for technical-managerial problem solutions for small farmers and wild co
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2176418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14714.16 Native beekeeping is the main objective of this project. To ensure success, fruit trees will be pla
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2176518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 14737 ABIPA currently has 120 associates, who have succeeded in dissuading farmers to use fire, increased
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2176618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 148400 Studies and activities to help Cerrado small enterprises, supported by SGP, to reach appropriate ce
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2176718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 15432.10 Recovery of the Pequi River (S o Francisco river tributary) sub-basin in a region with serious envi
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2176818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 16390 The Lim o-Verde village`s Kaiow Indigenous Community currently lives in a restricted area with a hi
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2181518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23697.91 Female production in plant nurseries and Cerrado fruit and flower orchards in strategic points in t
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2181618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23703.70 This project aims to strengthen and add value to the terena handcrafts form the Cachoeirinha Indige
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2181718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23712 This project will take place in Western Goi s State, in the Upper Araguaia River Region, in the Mun
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2181818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 This project seeks to bring together a group of agroextractivists from the Riach o Valley, in North
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2181918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 This project aims to stimulate and disseminate sustainable practices for natural resource managemen
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2182018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 Families of native fruit suppliers in 38 communities in 14 municipalities in Northern Minas Gerais
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2182118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 Social and ecological sustainability of communities re-settled by the construction of a dam in the
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2182218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 Agroecologic use of native fruit species with economic value is the subject of the qualification co
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2182318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 23737 This project seeks to add to the activities implemented by other organizations working toward conse
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2176918140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 16511.63 The goal of this Project is development of a management plan for wild collection of Cerrado medicin
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2177018140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 16725.44 The economic, environmental, and cultural improvement of Rio Vermelho Village is the main objective
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2177118140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 16887.70 This project seeks to protect springs, implement a plant nursery for native Cerrado plants, plant t
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2177218140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 17107.17 This project seeks to contribute decisively to the strengthening of the Santa Maria do Tocantins As
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2177318140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 17422.10 Native Cerrado fruit processing is the subject of this project. A processing unit will be structure
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2177418140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 17513.20 The municipality of Porto Nacional, state of Tocantins, has a population of approximately 45,000. M
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2177518140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 17586.42 Sttlers will receive capacity-building training for production of ornamentla native species seedlin
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2177618140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 18000 transition area between Cerrado and Caatinga which suffered from intense deforestation over the pas
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2177718140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 18000 Consolidation of the Cooperative Grande Sert o work within the productive chain of native frozen fr
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2177818140515 15-May-2014 Brazil US$ 18266.32 This project seeks to consider popular wisdom in relation to sustainable use of the Cerrado as an a
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