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SECI Issues Tenders for Setting Up 2.4 GW of Solar Projects Connected to ISTS Network

[Date: 01 Jul 2019 ] Country : India

The Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) has issued two requests for proposals (RfS) to set up ISTS-connected solar projects totaling 2.4 GW on Build-Own-Operate (BOO) basis. Under ISTS-V, it has issued a Request for Selection (RfS) for developers to set up 1,200 MW of the interstate transmission system (ISTS) -connected solar photovoltaic (PV) projects to be developed anywhere in the country. The projects are to be developed under global competitive bidding. The upper tariff ceiling has been set at ?2.65 (~$0.038)/kWh for this tender. The bid submission deadline is July 31, 2019, with the opening of techno-commercial bids on the same day. There is a pre-bid meeting slotted for July 11, 2019.

The other tender issued by SECI is for the selection of solar developers to set up 1,200 MW of solar PV projects connected to the designated ISTS network in Madhya Pradesh under tariff-based competitive bidding (ISTS-VI). The tariff ceiling for this tender has also been capped at ?2.65 (~$0.038)/kWh. The bid submission deadline for this tender is August 9, 2019. Both the tenders mention that the land, connectivity, and long-term open access (LTOA) are within the scope of the project developer. The Earnest Money Deposit has been mentioned as ?400,000 ($5,800)/MW, per project, to be furnished by bidders in the form of bank guarantee(BG).

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