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Ingalls awarded $930M contract for Coast Guard Cutters

[Date: 24 Dec 2018 ] Country : United States

Mississippi shipyard has been awarded a $930.8 million contract to build the 10th and 11th U.S. Coast Guard National Security Cutters. U.S. Department of Homeland Security contract award to Huntington Ingalls in Pascagoula has a total potential value of $1.7 billion. The move marks the first time two cutters have been awarded on the same contract. Wicker says the award to Huntington Ingalls is recognition of the hard work and expertise of Mississippi`s shipbuilders.

The contract sets Jan. 20, 2023, as the expected delivery date for NSC 10, and Jan. 19, 2024, for delivery of NSC 11. NSCs are the most advanced U.S. Coast Guard cutters.

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