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President of Mozambique visits Japan to promote energy projects

[Date: 23 Mar 2017 ] Country : Mozambique

The President of Mozambique, on an official visit to Japan, will seek to attract the country to energy projects in Mozambique and find buyers for natural gas to be extracted in the Rovuma basin, said the Mozambican Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Minister Leticia Klemens, who is part of the presidential delegation visiting Japan from Monday to Thursday, also said that securing a market for natural gas, a product that Mozambique has in abundance, “is one of the goals that needs to be achieved, as Japan has strong cooperation ties, which could be even greater

On this visit to Japan we are presenting gas and coal energy resources and we see Japan as a major customer, as we need it to be a buyer for our gas,” said the Minister for Mineral and Energy Resources.

Mozambique has natural gas reserves estimated at 100 trillion cubic feet in the Rovuma sedimentary basin, following discoveries that indicate it has potential to become the third largest liquefied natural gas producer in the world after Qatar and Australia and the largest in Africa.

The minister also pointed to the 1,200-megawatt coal-fired power plant project in Tete province, among other high priority projects for the Mozambican government, according to national news agency AIM. (macauhub)

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