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e-tenders mooted for supply of spares to all SRTUs

[Date: 21 Jan 2017 ] Country : India

The meeting of the Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTUs) Standing Committee (Supplies and Contract) was held under the aegis of the AP State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) here on Friday.

Managing Directors of the State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs) from various States in the country, Executive Directors and senior officials attended the meeting.

All public transport undertakings put together operate 1.5 lakh buses, providing jobs to 1 million people in the country

ASRTU ex-officio president is the secretary Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

The objective of meet is to provide a common forum for exchange of ideas and best practices pertaining to public transport.

APSRTC Vice-Chairman and MD M. Malakondaiah, UPSRTC MD Ravinder Naik, ASRTU ED P.S. Ananda Rao, Director of CIRT, Pune, Rajender Saner Patil, APSRTC EDs A. Venkateswara Rao (A & P), A. Koteswara Rao (E & IT) and A. Ramakrishna (Vizianagaram zone) were among those who attended the meeting.

As part of its support to RTCs, the Standing Committee (S & C) of ASRTU calls for tenders for the supply of various spares to the SRTUs at a uniform price and enters into the rate contract with the supply firms for a period of two years so that the SRTUs could avail of rate advantage in view of the bulk procurement.

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