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Tenders called for 4,000 digital classrooms

[Date: 10 Jan 2017 ] Country : India

To improve the content and delivery of educational material, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has invited tenders through the A.P. State Fiber Net Limited for the establishment of 4,000 digital classrooms across the State.

The tenders are for supplying the learning material, designing the classrooms and maintaining the digital infrastructure for a stipulated period. According to an official release, much of the teaching will be done through cloud platform and audio-visual aids for the purpose of effective communication.

In addition to this paraphernalia, the content would be built into a digital repository for the sake of making improvisations from time to time. The School Education will be able to keep a tab on this system through a dashboard and make regular inspections to ensure the best outcomes.

The aim of the government is to integrate the rapidly evolving Information and Communication Technologies into the education system to take it to global standards.

This project is intended to consolidate A.P.’s position in rolling out the National Digital Literacy Mission.

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