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German Development Cooperation
German Technical Cooperation




Uttar Pradesh is the third poorest state in India with a per capita annual income of US $ 200. 80% of the people live in rural areas and 66% depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The state’s agricultural sector is characterized by very small sized land holdings; around 90% of the farmers in the state are small and marginal farmers. One of the most important crops for smallholder farmers is mint (75% of the Indian mint production is from Uttar Pradesh), which is used as a cash crop in the summer months in rotation with rice, wheat and potatoes as food and cash crops.

Water is one of the most crucial inputs for mint growth and oil yields. Mint is a shallow rooted, high water demanding crop. Its active growth period coincides with the pre-monsoon hot summer months when the soil moisture is low and soil and air temperature are high, leading to high evapo-transpiration. Flood irrigation is the general practice adopted by the farmers, using ground water extensively as mint requires 10-12 irrigations in one crop cycle. Moreover, it has been observed that water tables are getting deeper year by year, posing a severe threat of water scarcity soon. Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) plans for each village based on a local hydrological unit level that will enable the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources with the scope for addressing climate vulnerability.


The specific objectives of the work are as follows:

  • Preparation of geo-informatic & hydrological tools assisted integrated water resource management plan focusing Water-Agriculture-Nexus through leveraging public financing for creating assets related to agricultural & allied based sustainable livelihood
  • Capacity development of the public and private stakeholders for enabling them implementation the IWRM plans.
  • Enabling public and private stakeholders to access public financing (flagship programme & schemes of canter and state governments) for creating assets related to agricultural & allied based sustainable livelihood at individual farmer level.

Tasks of the assignment:

In this context, the selected agency is expected to carry out following tasks within key 4 Work packages as mentioned in the TOR:

Task 1: Characterizing Area of Interest (AoI)

Task 2: Profiling Water Resources of Area of Interest (AoI)

Task 3: Creating an enabling environment for IWRM plan preparation and implementation

Task 4: Capacity Development and Institutional Mechanism

Please refer to the bidding conditions and follow the instructions carefully.

The detailed documentation with regards to this call for proposals includes –

  • The Terms of Reference for the Assignment
  • Assessing eligibility of firms
  • The Technical Evaluation Grid
  • Bidding Conditions
  • The General Terms & Conditions of Contracts

Tender timelines are:

  • : 8th June, 2020
  • : 17th June, 2020
  • : 25th June, 2020
  • : 7th July, 2020


GIZ reserves the right to cancel/modify this tender and /or reject a bid document including subsequently a technical and financial proposal, without assigning any reasons.

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