The current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the nutritional status of the rural communities especially
among women and children. It also hampers the regular functioning of Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) at
village level in providing supplementary nutrition, hot cooked meals to preschool children and nutrition
counselling to the community. Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD), Government of
Madhya Pradesh is fully committed in spreading important nutrition and hygiene messages through their
regular Information, Education and Communication (IEC) approach in order to provide the correct
knowledge/information to AWWs and the general public in addressing COVID-19 impact. Currently, DWCD
is sharing available material on hygiene promotion and resources provided by the Central Ministry and
Development Partners like UNICEF, Water Aid etc. Also, DWCD initiated a tele-caller communication
along with feedback mechanism with AWWs to share COVID-19 relevant key messages on nutrition and
hygiene as far as possible. In the feedback sessions with AWWs, it is constantly highlighted that there is
the urgent need to have clear and specific IEC on breastfeeding challenges during this crisis, appropriate
complementary feeding keeping in mind handwashing/hygiene measures and dietary diversity messages
to boost immune system to better fight against COVID-19. But there is a lack of such specific messages
and guidance within their existing repository. DWCD requested GIZ Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced
Resilience (FaNS) project to support the production of specific and uniform IEC material for general public
using different formats like audio spots/jingles, print material with voice over on three selected nutrition
topics: breastfeeding challenges, complementary feeding and dietary diversity. The messages must be
crisp, emotionally appealing and in an engaging mode of storytelling to ensure sensitization on the
importance of these practices for the general public especially during COVID-19. Dissemination of
messages using various platforms like radio, social media sites like Facebook, twitter, whats app,
Instagram etc. will be done by the department. However, for this dissemination a structured plan of action
which can be monitored is required. Furthermore, support is required to design a competition format within
IEC plan for AWWs and supervisors to increase their motivation to use provided IEC materials in their daily
work. The agency for mentioned requirements should also develop the monitoring plan which will later be
included in the DWCD and FaNS project. The activities´ impact in the community shall be documented by
capturing some good practices/case studies.
Objectives of the assignment:
- To develop stories on three mentioned nutrition topics in audio and print formats, adapted for
respective target groups i.e. women and children
- To support in strategic planning of the roll out of an IEC awareness campaign including competition
for the AWWs and their supervisors to enhance use of disseminated IEC materials in different formats
- To document good practices from the field capturing ground realities and providing a monitoring plan
to assess the reach of IEC in adopting positive practices on nutrition in addressing COVID-19.
Tasks of the assignment:
In this context, the selected agency is expected to carry out following key tasks as mentioned in the TOR:
Task 1: Developing 6 good stories in storytelling mode and audio format (3-4 minutes each)
Task 2: 12 audio spots/jingles on three selected nutrition topics (4 on each topic) (30-40 sec each)
Task 3: 24 print materials including 12 with voice over for social media
Task 4: Plan for dissemination of audio and print material and competition among
AWW/Supervisor to motivate dissemination of IEC material
Task 5: Detailed monitoring plan
Task 6: Documentation of 5 good practices
Task 7: Brief process documentation
Please refer to the bidding conditions and follow the instructions carefully.
The detailed documentation with regards to this call for proposals includes –
- The Terms of Reference for the Assignment
- Assessing eligibility of firms
- The Technical Evaluation Grid
- Bidding Conditions
- The General Terms & Conditions of Contracts