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German Development Cooperation
German Technical Cooperation


1. Background

Climate change is recognised as a key global and national challenge by the Government of India - as evident in the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) the subsidiary State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC), as well as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) plays a key role in the NDC implementation process; and therefore, requires strengthened capacities to process relevant expert knowledge, formulate effective policy, put it into practice and monitor results.

2. Objective

The project “Supporting the Institutionalisation of Capacities on Climate Change Studies and Actions” (ICCC), implemented by the Union Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and GIZ, aims to develop and institutionalise capacities in the areas of climate protection, resilience and NDC implementation as well as transdisciplinary issues. These activities are proposed to be fulfilled through strengthening networking amongst key institutions and institutionalise cooperation.

3. Scope of the assignment:

To assist in network building and knowledge exchange and thus strengthen capacities for enhanced science-policy-practice interaction of the MoEFCC, GIZ is conducting joint studies together with PIK in various areas which are key in realizing India’s NDCs and improving resilience. One of which is Green Transport: Energy-Environment-Economy Implications of Transport Modal Shift in achieving NDC targets in India to capture the energy-environment-economy implications of the modal shift towards rail under alternate scenarios.

4. Tasks:

Task I: Assessment of past and current transformation scenarios for the transport sector in India- Estimations of energy consumptions, economic impacts under business as usual scenario up to 2050 from the transportation sector in India.
Task II: Modelling scenarios for modal shift under business as usual scenario- Estimate the economic, energy and environment changes in India as a consequence of modal shift scenarios up to 2050.
Task III: A policy brief which includes recommendations to the relevant line ministries-Stakeholder consultation.

Please refer to the bidding conditions and follow the instructions carefully.

The detailed documentation with regards to this call for proposals includes –

  • The Terms of Reference for the Assignment
  • The Technical Evaluation Grid
  • Grid for assessing eligibility of firms
  • Bidding Conditions
  • The General Terms & Conditions of Contracts

Tender timelines are:

  • 8th July, 2020
  • 14th July, 2020
  • 20th July, 2020
  • 25th July, 2020

GIZ reserves the right to cancel/modify this tender and /or reject a bid document including subsequently a technical and financial proposal, without assigning any reasons.

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