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German Development Cooperation
German Technical Cooperation



Uttar Pradesh is the third poorest state in India with a per capita annual income of US $ 200. 80% of the people live in rural areas and 66% depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The state’s agricultural sector is characterized by very small sized land holdings; around 90% of the farmers in the state are small and marginal farmers. One of the most important crops for smallholder farmers is mint (75% of the Indian mint production is from Uttar Pradesh), which is used as a cash crop in the summer months in rotation with rice, wheat and potatoes as food and cash crops. This project is a partnership between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Symrise AG and Mars GmbH under the SDG Compact framework of the programme. In addition, the project works with a nonprofit organisation, acting as implementing partner.

The objective of the project is to sustainably strengthen the mint supply chain in Uttar Pradesh. and to further develop the trainings and services established, reaching 10,500 new farmers, 7,750 farmers with 1 year of trainings received and 7,000 farmers with 2 years of previous training experience. In total, 25,250 farmers will benefit from improved and enhanced training services until the end of the proposed project.

The major project components are briefly mentioned below:

  • Climate and water sensitive mint production including quality assurance of agricultural aspects while introducing solar pump powered micro irrigation system and integrated water resources management in a landscape approach.
  • Organisational capacity building and entrepreneurship to strengthen the governance and business of farmer collectives at different levels.Technologies for farm mechanization and processing for bringing efficiency in farming and improving yields.
  • Access to finance for Farmer Producer Organisations & Agriprenuers across the mint value chain to strengthen farmers, improve their access to markets and make use of economies of scale
  • Digital extension services for farmers for real time climate based crop advisories to make maximum outreach and make use of artificial intelligence for precision agriculture.
  • Monitoring & Evaluation, Knowledge Management, Communication and Implementation for regularly reviewing the progress of the activities and bridging the gaps through various informative tools.

Please refer to the bidding conditions and follow the instructions carefully.

The detailed documentation with regards to this call for proposals includes –

  • The Terms of Reference for the Assignment
  • The Technical Evaluation Grid
  • Grid for assessing eligibility of firms
  • Bidding Conditions
  • The General Terms & Conditions of Contracts

Tender timelines are:

  • : 22nd June, 2020
  • : 26th June, 2020
  • : 2nd July, 2020
  • : 13th July, 2020


GIZ reserves the right to cancel/modify this tender and /or reject a bid document including subsequently a technical and financial proposal, without assigning any reasons.

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