Plot 4-A, PSP Block, Pocket – 14, Sector -8, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075
Tel: 91-11-43294294, Fax No.: 91-11-25361642,43294242
E-mail: tendercellasrtu@airtelmail.in Website: www.asrtu.org
Mode:E-tendering only |
- 1. Association of State Road Transport Undertakings (ASRTU) is an association representing 61 Public Sector Bus Transport Organisations (STUs) in India. Its member STUs own nearly 1.15 lakh buses (Leyland and Tata) and purchase spares worth about Rs.800 crores a year. ASRTU invites National Competitive Bids and concludes Rate Contracts (RCs) for automobile spares and accessories common to all the STUs. ASRTU’s policy is to encourage quality and competition. For easy and quick access of the vendors to participate in tenders, ASRTU has introduced Electronic Tendering (E-tendering).
- 2. Bids are invited only from Manufacturers for supply of the items included in the following procurement groups for application in Tata & Leyland vehicles/Buses in Electronic tendering mode only
Sr. No |
Name of the Procurement Group |
Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD)
(Rs. Per Procurement Group) |
1 |
King Pin, King Pin Repair Kits & Parts |
(Rs.Ten Thousands only)
2 |
Engine Valves, Valve Guides, Valve Seat Inserts, valve Springs |
3 |
Ball & Roller Bearings |
4 |
Air Filter, Oil Filter and Diesel/Fuel Filter Elements and Parts |
5 |
Clutch & Clutch Parts |
6 |
Brake & Brake Parts and Brake Carrier
( O E firms only - to submit printed price list along with applicable discounts on or before the closing date ) |
7 |
Malleable, Sheet Metal, S G Iron, Foundry Based Components & Plastic (PP) Fan Assembly |
8 |
Passenger Bus Seat & Driver Seat Assy. |
9 |
Polyurethane & Rubberised Coir Seat Cushion and Backrest |
10 |
Tyres & Set of Tyres ( With Inner Tubes & Flaps ) |
11 |
Flourescent Tubes, Bulbs & Investors |
(Rs.Six Thousands only) |
12 |
Crankshafts ( from O.E Manufacturers only ) |
13 |
Electric Horns |
14 |
Grease Nipples & Grease Guns |
15 |
Adhesives & Single Component Anaerobic Adhesives |
- “Well established vendors having a proven track record of consistent quality products/supplies to vehicle manufacturers and enjoying an image of impeccable product brand may submit their published price list along with applicable discounts for STUs besides rates quoted in the tender. Such vendors shall furnish a declaration/certificate to the effect that the discount offered to ASRTU on their MRP is not less than the discount being offered to other Govt/Semi-Govt departments and their dealers/distributors and stockists.”
- A) Tender Commencement Date : 13/04/2009 11 00 Hrs
- B) Tender forms request Last Date : 13/5/2009 18 00 Hrs (along with DD of Rs.3000/- towards cost of tender forms)
- C) Tender Closing Date (Last Date to submit e-bid): 14/05/2009 11 00 Hrs
- D) Last Date to submit Demand Draft of EMD : 14/05/2009 11 00 Hrs (e-bid stands rejected, if DD of EMD is not received in ASRTU office by this date)
- E) Tender Opening Date : 14/05/2009 12 00 Hrs
- Cost of Tender Forms (Non-Refundable) = Rs. 3000/- Per Procurement Group
The relevant details of Demand Draft for the cost of Tender Forms may be entered at appropriate place provided in e-tender site.
For guidance, please refer Annexure –I enclosed.
- i) Free view documents of the tender (i.e. Important Instructions, Volume-2, Volume-3, Volume-4, and Specification & Drawings) are available at the home page of http://www.mytenderwizard.com/ASRTU. To view / download, click on “General Documents for Tender Notice 3/2008 – 223rd SC (S&C)" link.
- ii) For Tender Forms/Documents available to view/download against payment of Cost of Tender Forms, follow the steps below:
- a) Click on e-tender link provided in www.asrtu.org OR directly access tender site using URL http://www.mytenderwizard.com/ASRTU
- b) Use ASRTU provided USER-ID & your PASSWORD to log in
- c) Vendors not having USER-ID & PASSWORD may contact Tender Cell, ASRTU
- d) Vendors must change ASRTU provided password after initial login for security reasons. Click “Modify Password” link to change the password.
- e) Procedure to download and upload tender related documents is explained in the e-tendering Vendor Manual available in Vendor Facilities at Home Page for reference/download. However, it is strongly suggested that vendors should attend training on e-tendering as per schedule at Sr. No. 9 below for better understanding.
- 6. i) The tender documents at 4 (ii) above are made available online only. Tenderers may once again note that last date to submit e-bid (i.e. documents of Volume-1) is on or before 14/05/2009 11 00 Hrs.
- ii) Hard copies of documents of Volume-2 & Volume-3 should reach Tender Cell, ASRTU latest by 18-5-2009
- 7. Tender Cell, ASRTU shall issue bid tender forms on receipt of cost as per S. No. 4 above on any working day starting
from 13/04/2009 to 13/05/2009 by 18 00 Hrs.
- Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
E-bid without the EMD will not be entertained, Therefore, tenderers must ensure that the requisite amount of EMD must reach ASRTU office latest by 14/05/2009 11 00 Hrs. Tender without EMD will be rejected. No previous EMD shall be subject to adjustment against the fresh EMD.
Demand Draft of EMD must be submitted in a separate envelope. Name of Firm, Item and Tender Notice No. should be clearly mentioned on the envelope and back of DD. ASRTU shall not be responsible in case your e-bid is rejected due to non receipt of EMD Demand Draft. Therefore, you are requested to superscribe the envelop containing EMD Demand Draft as “EMD for Tender”
- 8. The other charges of the tender as mentioned below are to be paid to ASRTU. Non-payment of these charges shall delay further action on your tender.
- a. Works Inspection Charges per factory per location @ Rs.1500/-per inspection.
- b. Testing charges as per Testing Charges Schedule ASRTU shall not be responsible for any delay or non-receipt of charges mentioned herein above.
- All payments shall be made to ASRTU by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Executive Director”, ASRTU,
payable at New Delhi.
- Tenderers must furnish details of payments in appropriate places of e-bid.
- Note
- a. Your tender will not be accepted by the system if you have not furnished the complete details in the prescribed format of tender charges as also in the documents as required to be submitted in this tender.
- b. ASRTU will not be responsible for any delay or non-submission of Charges/Documents by the due date. This office in any mode other than e-tendering shall accept no tender.
- c. Tenderers must read document of Important Instructions carefully and submit the e-bid as also Volume-2 and Volume-3 accordingly.
In order to explain various features of e-tendering it is planned to organize free of cost vendor training as per the following programme.
Sr. No. |
Place |
Date |
Session |
Time |
Venue |
1 |
New Delhi |
01/05/2009 |
1 |
10.30 am |
at ASRTU office, New Delhi |
- The interested vendors may send their confirmation for attending training preferably a week advance. It is strongly recommended that attendance at the training will be very useful for familiarization with the procedure of E-tendering.