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Tenders For multimedia solutions

Ref No Posting Date Deadline Location Value Short Description
1486216240831 31-Aug-2024 10-Sep-2024 Brazil Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of consumables, permanent materials and materials that make up an ICT Information and Communication Technology Solution
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1547316240831 31-Aug-2024 12-Sep-2024 Brazil Refer Document. Tender For Multimedia Communication Services (SCM) - Broadband Internet Circuit, for IBAMA units
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1547716240831 31-Aug-2024 12-Sep-2024 Brazil Refer Document. Tender For Contracting of information and communication technology solutions from a specialized company to provide monthly internet service
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1551216240831 31-Aug-2024 11-Sep-2024 Brazil Refer Document. Tender For Rental of fully automated laboratory equipment for blood count tests with supply of reagents.
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1879016240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For deliveries of bedside stools
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1987816240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Virtual shooting range
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1988116240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Provision of meal preparation and delivery services
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1992716240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Delivery of projectors
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1994216240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Colouring inserts
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1994716240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Training service in the field of Combating burnout (with anti-discrimination elements)
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1994916240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction of road lighting
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1998016240831 31-Aug-2024 16-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction and reconstruction of illuminations
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2001116240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Fumigation and impregnation of architectural objects in the Museum
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2001216240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Reconstruction of municipal roads
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2002416240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Delivery of audio video equipment and computer equipment for the Museum of Modern Art
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2003816240831 31-Aug-2024 12-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Preparation of a technical expertise of the fire protection status
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2005316240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction of a new multi-purpose sports field with a permanent roof
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2005516240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Purchase of a light rescue and firefighting vehicle
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2006016240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction of a new service and commercial facility with the necessary infrastructure
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2010316240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction of a water retention pond
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2018416240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Supply of heating diesel oil to the oil boiler room
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2019616240831 31-Aug-2024 19-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Delivery of certified reference solutions
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2020416240831 31-Aug-2024 19-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Installation of a post-mortem wastewater treatment system
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2020516240831 31-Aug-2024 19-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Construction and installation works for organizational units
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2023916240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Purchase of an antivirus system with additional security measures
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2026116240831 31-Aug-2024 30-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Purchase of a new medium rescue and firefighting vehicle with permanently installed rescue and firefighting equipment
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2030516240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Poland Refer Document. Tender For Delivery of an agricultural tractor
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2049816240831 31-Aug-2024 03-Sep-2024 Philippines PHP 190080 Tender For Procurement of Multimedia Production Officer
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2070116240831 31-Aug-2024 04-Sep-2024 Philippines PHP 55000 Tender For PROCUREMENT OF RENTAL OF CONFERENCE MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT & ETC. FOR MSRC PURPOSES
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2439116240831 31-Aug-2024 11-Sep-2024 Bolivia, Plurinational State Of Refer Document. Tender For Acquisition of printers and projectors
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2446516240831 31-Aug-2024 05-Sep-2024 Bolivia, Plurinational State Of Refer Document. Tender For Implementation, strengthening and IT solutions based on free software for the national customs
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2447016240831 31-Aug-2024 05-Sep-2024 Bolivia, Plurinational State Of Refer Document. Tender For Provision of medicines and medical supplies
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2452716240831 31-Aug-2024 05-Sep-2024 Bolivia, Plurinational State Of Refer Document. Tender For Purchase of 2 solutions for your pharmacy
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2458416240831 31-Aug-2024 04-Sep-2024 Bolivia, Plurinational State Of Refer Document. Tender For Acquisition of Acid and basic solutions for renal patients of the hemodialysis service of the Riberalta general hospital corresponding
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2522052240831 31-Aug-2024 02-Sep-2024 India / PUNJAB Refer Document. Tender For Multimedia Projector (MMP)
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2528316240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Philippines PHP 172000 Tender For Supply and Delivery of Two (2) units Multimedia Projector
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2736516240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Morocco Refer Document. Tender For Acquisition of security solutions for the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Department of Energy Transition, in Rabat
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2753616240831 31-Aug-2024 04-Oct-2024 France Refer Document. Tender For Framework agreement for the supply and implementation of audiovisual and multimedia systems
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2776916240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of licenses and computer equipment
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2790816240831 31-Aug-2024 04-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition and update of work tools for the dsm human resources team
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2811316240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of a municipal vehicle to transport merchandise from the city of iquique to the commune of cami a or to provide solutions to the different requests of the neighborhood associations.
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2812216240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of injectable drugs, solutions and others
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2955716240831 31-Aug-2024 09-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of biopsy needles and other supplies
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2959616240831 31-Aug-2024 05-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For acquisition of technological resources for the ignacio carrera pinto school, gral. jose miguel carrera, tucapel school, octavio palma perez high school, republic of israel school, granadiers de putre high school and manuel rodriguez erdoyza school
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2961016240831 31-Aug-2024 12-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For supply of products and services to carry out communication and dissemination actions of the service
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2961316240831 31-Aug-2024 16-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For execution of construction solutions habitability program 2023
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2962116240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For portable full hd projector
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2966616240831 31-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For the hiring of construction services for housing improvement belonging to beneficiaries of the habitability program is required.
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2968916240831 31-Aug-2024 13-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For have a service for uninstallation, installation, preventive and corrective maintenance and supply of spare parts for air conditioning equipment, which allows maintaining the operability of the different dependencies of the undersecretariat of publi
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2989416240831 31-Aug-2024 04-Sep-2024 Chile Refer Document. Tender For laser projectors
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